Kelley and I were glued to the thing all day after laying Avery down for a nap in the crib yesterday. Daytime naps aren’t always easy (nothing is with sleeping), but at night, getting Avery to sleep is like selling a minx coat to animal rights’ activists*; not happening. I blame it on having something to do with the Moon’s gravitational pull affecting only children up to a certain age. Hey, who can ACTUALLY prove me wrong?
Regardless, getting Avery to sleep and keeping her asleep is a difficult task that neither one of us have mastered. Does anyone really master this? If you have, please come over for a good meal and a warm home.
After our nightly routine of bath time and Kelley giving the ol’sleepy boob treatment, she laid Avery in her crib and we hoped for the best. 10 minutes later, that hope went out the window and Kelley was back in to soothe her. After 3 more rounds of this, she finally seemed to quiet down and accept the crib!
Of course that would be too easy; she was back at it just squirming in her swaddle within 30 minutes. Damn. Hands flailing about as if swaddles could actually keep this night demon at bay and legs pumping up and down; she was not happy.
Kelley and I agreed that since she was not crying out loud, that we’ll go to bed and see how it plays out. In bed, we watched and listened and finally fell asleep as Avery seemed to subside in her wiggly ways.
2:30 a.m. – Kelley wakes me to go and get her since she was crying and probably need to feed. Thank you, boobs, for providing such wonderful food for our baby!! Okay, thank you, Kelley, too. : )
And that marked the end of the first night in the crib. Avery slept with us the rest of the night, and on me for several hours. My own living, squirmy, and fussy blanket!
So, that Super Bowl thing happening today….might be replaced with us watching the baby monitor as we try for round 2 as I said earlier. Maybe we’ll catch the end of it, but if Avery stays in her crib for even longer, it’s a win for us!
Any tricks we should know about on how to keep a squirmy baby from breaking free and waking herself up with crazy arms and razors (fingernails) attached? We ordered a Woombie that we are anxiously awaiting and hopefully that will keep the hands from breaking loose. Kelley didn’t think my rubber band idea was good…..
* I’m not against animal rights’ activists, just made for a good example.
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