A Long, Cold Walk

Yesterday Avery, Abby (our Golden Retriever), and I went for an afternoon walk after Avery’s morning nap. It was pretty cold, but I had Avery snug in my giant winter coat wearing her in the Baby Bjorn. I really want to try the Ergo, by the way, I’ve heard it’s much better for long distance stuff!
Not from our walk, but a recent store trip where I was taking time to avoid waking her in the sling.
Not from our walk, but a recent store trip where I was taking time to avoid waking her in the sling.

Anyway, it was in the 30’s but the wind-chill made it more in the teens. My face and ears can attest to that! Although I’m not a boot wearin’ cattle drivin kind of Texan, I still choose heat over cold any day!

I didn’t expect her to fall asleep since I planned on putting her in the crib for nap two of the day, but of course, she was out. I have no clue how since the blistering wind was reeking havoc on my extremities!

Every time we’ve gone on a walk in the past, Avery always wakes up when we go back inside, so, being happy to just have her resting, I decided to keep walking until she awoke. A little over 3 miles and more snot rockets than I can remember, and she was awake. Surprisingly, she stayed asleep as the town tested their tornado sirens……very annoying.

I have heard from many other parents to enjoy this time since we won’t always be able to hold our dear babies forever, and this walk, albeit not in ideal weather, is something I will always cherish. I hope I’m able to go on many more before it’s too late.

Oh, and an update to my Just Go Poop!! post; she went, and then kept going! I asked for it and got a lot of it. Is it sad this makes me happy? Meh, whatev….

Parents, do you have any special memories of when your baby was a baby, or maybe still is? Please share if you care, I’d like to know.

3 thoughts on “A Long, Cold Walk”

  1. I also really like going out for a walk with our baby son about in a baby carrier. When he was only a month or two, it was fantastic when he’d just go off to sleep anywhere when when we were just holding him and stay there all cosy and comfy for and hour or two.

  2. It is a great feeling, thanks for sharing, Jonathan! I think we are both doing good with wearing our babies, hopefully Avery will still accept a sling at 10 months and beyond like your son.

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