Me: Hi Avery! Can we have a little chat?
Avery: Hi Dad. I was trying to figure out this jumper thing, but I can make time for you. What’s up?
Me: Well, remember the conversation we had about a week ago?
Avery: Yes……….Are we going to G-ma’s again?
Me: We will again soon, but that’s not what I want to talk about today. I am referring to the part about the doctor’s visit.
Avery: Doctor’s visit? Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell.
Me: Oh, c’mon, I know you remember. I told you it will be coming up later this month, the 17th to be exact. It will be your 4 month check up.
Avery: Crap! You got me, I remember. I was really hoping you forgot though.
Me: Nope, sorry. And, well, you see, this check up will also include giving you several….ummmm….shots.
Avery: What!? Why would you do that to me?
Me: Well, these shots will help protect you against things waaayyyy worse than just a tiny needle. So, just a quick little pinch from the shot isn’t so bad considering you could be in severe pain and agony for days from some of these infectious diseases.
Avery: Hmm, never thought of it like that. I’m sure I’ll still cry, I am a baby after all, but maybe not as long as I would’ve before.
Me: Very true, you are a baby and babies do cry, but I appreciate your understanding. Hey, and just think about the good things, we’re getting a new baby carrier soon!
Avery: Really? Yay! I’ve been getting really tired of my legs dangling in the Baby Bjorn while going on long walks. I mean, just look at me in that picture.
Me: Yep, we’re getting an Onya Outback provided by Onya themselves! Daddy is very excited and happy about this and can’t wait to take you on adventures while wearing you in it. Plus, you will be in a more natural, wide-legged position that will be more comfortable for you. Another benefit is that the weight won’t be all on my shoulders and your legs won’t be dangling in front of me which makes it really hard to pee straight. You know, it’s the little things.
Avery: Yeah, I do like to kick a lot. Sorry about that. The Onya Outback sounds like it will be much better for the both of us and I can’t wait until we have it too!
Me: It won’t be long dear, and I’ll even be able to buy teething pads made just for the carrier. No more eating the fabric on the Bjorn! We’ll be getting a really cool color scheme of burnt orange and grey which looks good on both mom and dad too. Another cool thing is that Onya supports cloth diapering, which we do with you. I could go on and on, but we’ll discuss this in more detail once we have it.
Avery: Okay dad, sounds good to me. Can I get back to my jumper now?
Me: Sure thing dear, jump away!
Disclaimer: This conversation really never occurred and would be kinda weird if our almost 4 month old could talk so well. But, it’s always fun to pretend, right? As for most of us with babies this age, you can’t really tell them they are getting shots, it just happens.
How are your kids about getting shots?
Did they ever feel a little ill afterward? Avery was just really tired after her 2 month shots, so we’ll see how these go.
This made me smile. My kids hate shots, and I hate seeing them get shots. I’m tempted to toss up the self-centered comment that it hurts me just as much as it hurts them, but that’s probably not true–but I still hate it! 🙂 Yes, they always feel ill and tired after their shots. Good luck to you all!
Looking forward to reading more of your blog.
So glad to hear you enjoyed the post, and thank you for reading! I am worried how the shots will go, but I’m sure we’ll get through it one way or the other. I hope my future posts will be enjoyable too! Also, just checked your blog and am now following!
RC – you are the Dave Barry of the millenials…
I always learn something new when you comment, Steve! I had to look up Dave Barry, and after reading about him, I can’t believe I’ve never read his material before! I’ll take this as a compliment and say thank you! Guess I have to keep it up now!