But here we are in the middle of May and Avery will be 6 months tomorrow, the 15th. What sounds longer; 6 months or half a year? I know they’re the same, but seriously, time flies!!
I’m sure all of you parents with toddlers, teens, and older are just laughing thinking how it only gets faster; am I right? Ugh, all the more reason to try and make the most of each moment! I really need to remind myself of this.
So, keeping consistent with my new monthly memories posts, I’ll get to it. Avery, it saddens and excites me at the same time when I think that one day we will go back and read these posts together. Your mom and I love you so much and we are happy with our little family!
Edit: Ha, I just looked at mu first memories post and pretty much said the same thing before starting the list. I could delete instead of writing this, but I think it further drives into the ground how much we love our little girl!
1. You’re getting better control of your arms and legs now, and although you still kick and flail your limbs like crazy, you’re definitely making contact with things. Sometimes, they are things that hurt mommy and me, but we know you don’t intend to hurt us, right?
You also reach for and grab things pretty well, but you’re still learning how to maintain your grasp for longer than a few seconds. Unless, of course, it’s mommy’s hair, you like to hold on to that and pull.
2. Now that you are more active, we’ve been playing before your bedtime on a blanket in the living room or the kitchen floor.
Depending on how tired you are from the day, we might get anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes of quality play.
Some of the things you enjoy most (we think) are being tickled all over in the form of “tickle bird” attacks, standing up as we hold you by your hands, and hanging upside down. We are getting close to wrestling, and I can’t wait for a little rough housing!
3. You have figured out and mastered how to blow raspberries. I remember Jonathan from Dad’s The Way I Like It mentioning how his son was doing this and I couldn’t wait to get youdoing the same. After many “teaching by example” sessions from Mommy and me, you finally started blowing your own raspberries and haven’t stopped!

4. Lately, trying to get you to take your first and usually only nap of the day, I’ll feed you a bottle and while burping you, you just look me straight in the face a flash a big smile. I can’t help but laugh and smile back, but I’m really thinking “Crap, she’s never going to sleep!”
That’s when I give up and tell you that I love you, kiss your head, and lay you in your crib just hoping for the best. Surprisingly, you have a short fussy session and you’re out! I’m not sure how long this will last, but I’ll enjoy it while it does!
5. You’ve already had your jumper for a couple months, but now you’re finally starting to jump in it. Out of no where, you’ll just bounce up and down and look at us with a big smile. Mommy and I applaud you and love seeing our happy baby so excited to jump!
Now when I bring you to the garage for my workouts, I bring your jumper out too. You’ll start jumping as I do burpees or jump rope to exercise with me and I can tell it makes you happy. I foresee you being the youngest baby who can do burpees one day!
6. Mommy and I had been working with you on sitting up by yourself but you usually would tumble to the side.

Then, just a few days ago, Mommy watched you sit up on your own while laying on the blanket! I missed that time, but have seen you sit up as we play at night and even during the day. I went to wash my hands after changing you, and when I came back, I found you sitting up and obviously very proud!
I have a feeling one of my memories at the 7 month mark might be crawling, or close to it! Kelley and I are so proud and in love with our growing daughter, and it makes me happy to be able to share our journey with all who care to follow!
Happy 6 month / half year birthday, Avery! 🙂 I’m sure your parents are going to make it a loving and special day for you!
You’re so right about time flying by! Some parents love that because then they can get onto what they’re expecting their ‘favourite bit’ to be. Must admit I”m on the other side, and wish time would so long. The more time I have to spend with and treasure my children the better!
Have a great day!
Thank you, Paul! We try our best to make every day a loving and special one, we just can’t get enough of her!
I’m guilty of being really antsy about Avery doing more so we can, ummm, do more, but I agree with you too; just cherish the time we have.
Thanks for reading and you have a great day as well!
Enjoyed reading this, especially hearing about the raspberries!
Thanks, Jonathan. Thanks to you, I was persistent in getting our little girl to blow raspberries, and now she goes non-stop!