Luckily, I had the opportunity to try carriers from Onya Baby and Ergo Baby that they sent to me for review. You can read my review for the Onya Baby Outback here and the Ergo Baby Ventus here.
I still use both carriers with Onya being my go-to choice. I keep the Ergo on the car to use when we are out and about. I’ve mentioned many times on the benefits of wearing your baby, and would urge anyone to wear their baby as much as possible.
What started as a tiny, squishy baby pressed against me in a carrier, has transformed (and still going!) into a lively, albeit heavier, baby that I still wear every day for our afternoon walk. I know the time will come when she becomes too old/heavy to be worn, but that’s still a way’s away.
In celebration of International Babywearing Week, I wanted to post some of my favorite babywearing pictures with Avery. Hope this motivates you to get outside and wear your baby with loving pride!

I tried to keep these somewhat in order. Hope you enjoyed the pics and are ready to go wear your baby if aren’t already.
Have you been celebrating Babywearing Week?
Do you do it ever day regardless?
The great thing of following your blog from the stage I did, I get to see her grow and change too (not in a creepy way). I can’t believe that the little girl standing on her own watching TMNT is that same little girl in the top photo!
I know, I can’t believe it myself! I thinks it’s awesome you’re enjoying watching her grow and thank you for the continued comments of encouragement and support. I hope we are able to follow each other’s life journey for a long time to come and give support when and where it’s needed! For me, expect a lot more TMNT in our future. 🙂
Fab post sir!
We started carrying when my son was six months old. My wife found slings before me and, at the start, I wasn’t interested in the slightest. It wasn’t until a local market that I opted to try it out for practical reasons, as it would be just too busy for the pram.
It was from here that I began to realise how beneficial using a sling was, not just for the practicalities, but for the bond it created between me and Isaac. We interacted much more and it brought comfort to him being closer to me. It also gave the added benefit of slingy cuddles, which helped build our connection and is such a beautiful feeling to get that affection.
Isaac has just turned two and I wouldn’t be half the dad I am today, if it wasn’t for baby-wearing. I went from a father that was terrified of failing, to one who has a confidence that is unbreakable. Over the last two years I have seen amazing changes and milestones; eating solids, crawling, walking and his first words. He has grown from this tiny baby, into an amazing little boy. A little boy that is fearless, funny and independent. I’m so proud to have been there at every step and am even prouder to be his dad.
I hope you had a great International Baby-wearing Week 2014!
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed! It’s great to hear from other babywearing dads and very reassuring to know we’re creating a strong bond with our little ones.
It’s great to hear how proud you are as a dad and how well your little boy, Isaac, is growing. Happy belated birthday to him, by the way!