All parents say it, and we’ll probably continue to say it forever; time flies! I skipped the “when you’re having fun” part because, lets face it, it’s not always fun. 🙂
Anyway, my guilt is spurred from ability to play more and allow me to be active with her but I still take time to do my workouts in the garage as she plays in her jumper.

As long as I don’t push my luck, she remains patient and happily “talks”, screams, and jumps around, but these days are numbered. Soon, the jumper will no longer work and I need to setup an area for her to walk/crawl around. Keyword, WALK! You reading this, Avery?
Not one to just skip exercise for the day, I decided to get creative and combine playtime with a full body HIIT workout routine. I really wanted to stay indoors when I made this since the weather sucked that day, and it turned out to be pretty fun but intense. Functional fitness just took on a new meaning!
For this, the only equipment you need is a box and a baby.
Playtime HIIT Workout Routine
3 Rounds of 30 Seconds On, 30 Seconds Off
Thrusters with baby
Mountain climbers
Crunches (or other form of core work)
Running in place
Push your kid in a box (Substitute Bear crawls if no box)
Lift baby overhead from side to side (in the shape of a half-moon)
Alternating forward lunges while holding baby
Karate kicks
Avery enjoyed the random movements and did the whole time until the end of the 3rd round. I think she was getting frustrated with me setting her back down, so be warned.
Either way, I think you should definitely give it a try as it will get your blood flowing while you “play” with your kid. It’s a win-win!
I can’t stress enough how important our role as parents is when it comes to teaching by example. Please for the health of your kids as well as your own, show them how being active can be fun and rewarding!
Being the nice guy that I am, I put together a quick video to demonstrate the moves. Since my stack of boxes on the kitchen island wasn’t high enough, I cut my head off of the entire thing. Since I have no desire to do a re-shoot, I’m leaving it as is. #keepingitunique
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HopIOAkS4I]
I hope you give the routine a try and share your experience with me in the comments. If you have any questions, please go right ahead and ask away. If you’re in a time crunch, only do 1 or 2 rounds of this. Moving some is better than none!
This post is part of the #FitFamilyFriday Link up where you can find other excellent posts by healthy parents sharing health-inspired information. Click on over and check it out and share if you care!
Cheers for linking up RC, I think this will be the last linky I host this week; there’s only a couple of us who post anything so it doesn’t seem worth it. I love the routine and it looks like Avery loved being part of it, although did you hear the sound of your joints cracking when you did press ups? You’re getting old man haha. It looked like a fun workout though and so practical.
I’m sad to hear the link-up is going away, really hoped it would catch on. Hopefully you’ll still be around though!
I didn’t notice my joints cracking, maybe it was a toy I stepped on? Or I’m just in denial of getting old….NEVER!! 🙂 Thanks for the comment and talk to you again soon I’m sure!
Absolutely, I think Ryan @costyy2k is still hosting it, but I’m not so sure for how long, we thought it would too but never mind, time to move on and maybe try something new. So many people are doing so many linkies I can understand why they can get a bit tiresome. Keep fighting the good fight.