Over the course of just one month, we’ve seen Avery transform from a crawler into a tiny, wobbly walker. Things get more interesting every day now and we love watching her learn and react to her surroundings.
This girl is developing quite the character and I can already tell she’s going to be stubborn about certain things just like her mom and dad. Yeah, we’re in trouble! But no worries, we’ll go with the flow and ride the wave of craziness the best us parents can do and learn from mistakes (probably a lot) along the way.
With that, I have 13 memories, some mistakes, some lessons, and some just purely memories to share with our sweet little devil girl.
1. For your 1st birthday party, you were not the happiest in the beginning, but you finally warmed up to all of our friends and family that came over.

2. I held you for a little while as Mommy unwrapped your gifts and you decided to give a gift of your own….Poop!

3. I made chocolate pumpkin brownies for our guests and to make your birthday cake which was the first time you had anything with sugar. It was hard for me to get over, but I’m over it now.
4. Your icing was simply plain Greek yogurt with blueberries forming a “1” on top. Apparently, you weren’t impressed with Mommy’s icing and blueberry work…

5. You received some pretty good gifts for your birthday, but a plastic flashy wand grabbed your attention the most. It wasn’t even the gift, it was just something extra placed on top!

6. Another toy win was the Catch-Me-Kitty one of our friends gave you. It moves around similar to a Rumba vacuum singing a taunting song until you catch it. And catching it you do, very well…followed by body slamming it multiple times!
7. I’m not sure how you grew so fast, but now you can reach the refrigerator doors and shut them when I have them open. It’s a nice thought, but does make it harder when I’m not done getting in there. Also, I really need to watch when I open/shut the doors as I might of bumped your head a few times. Sorry.

8. Mommy worked hard to clear out our front room so you have an awesome room to play in. We’ve been enjoying playing with your blocks and other toys ever since. Which means Mommy and I will build something and you knock it down.

9. I’ve been cooking a lot of different foods for you lately and some you like, some you don’t, but we’re having fun seeing you try new things. Omelettes, both sweet and savory, are my specialty and I’ve made ones with mixed veggies, chocolate and spinach, as well as butternut squash and cinnamon that have been a big hit.

On the weekends, when I usually make pumpkin teff porridge for Mommy, I’m now making extra for you and Mommy feeds you. It makes me happy seeing both of my favorite girls enjoying the healthy food I cook!

10. You’re getting smarter every day which is wonderful, but also means you’ve become very difficult in some areas. For instance, you found out how to take off your diaper by pulling at the snaps in front.

11. You recently decided to undo your diaper just as you went poop with your footie pajamas still on. This resulted in poop all the way down your leg and smashed in your foot and some in your belly button. It was the biggest poop-tastrophe we’ve had yet, and called for an emergency bath time. You enjoyed the bath. Me? Not so much. Lucky for you, I have not pictures of this.
12. And FINALLY, you are walking!! I’ve only been making “bets” since just before your 10 month mark, and now you’ve made it! Mommy and I have to constantly keep an eye on you now and even that doesn’t work sometimes. You’re a sneaky and quick little girl on your hands and knees, and now just your feet too!
The mounting stress aside, we’re very proud of you dear, and love how lively you’re becoming. Every day is an adventure with you and you are growing to be very smart and strong!
Keep on growing and learning, Avery, our love for you only grows stronger every day!
This is a great post mate. It’s truly amazing how quickly they change.
Very amazing and kinda scary! Thanks for commenting! 🙂
What a cute little lady…..and ‘poop-trastrophe’ is a brilliant term – we have definitely had our share 🙂
Thank you very much, she’s full of cuteness, even when poop-tastrophe’s strike! Glad you enjoy the term. It may be fun to say, but never to experience! 🙂
It was great fun reading this. I’m intrigued about your sweet and savoury omelettes. What do you put in the sweet omelettes? I think I might have tried putting a bit of apple or banana in an omelette before, but it was quite a while ago.
Thank you. I love using banana in sweet omelettes! Add a little cinnamon with peanut butter and you’re good to go. But, it may sound weird, but I’ll use not-so-sweet things like spinach and add some stevia to the egg mix which makes it just sweet enough. She likes it, it gives her some good greens, and I don’t mind eating what’s left.