Yes it stinks, and yes, cleaning it is NEVER fun, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun-ny! True?
Going Mom and I have yet to start potty training Avery (we should really get on that!), but we are picking up on her very non-subtle pooping queues. Red face, grunting, brief moment of silence after making a lot of noise, and sitting at your feet are all very strong indicators.

For Christmas, Kelley and I decided to limit the toys we got her since she has plenty and we knew family would most likely take care of that, which they did! So, we bought her a mini-armchair with her name embroidered in pink.
She took to it immediately and let us know with her giant grin!
And I’m not 100% sure, but I think that very same day is when she decided her new chair would be a perfect home base when the time came for a good poo. I’m even convinced we captured her as this thought went across her mind..

Fast forward to present day, and she’s been going to her chair almost every day to do the deed.

It gets quiet, sometimes I hear a stressful grunt while in the kitchen, and next thing I know…

Sometimes she doesn’t quite make it to the chair, but she gets close. I think this embarrasses her though…

And so, this is our first big indicator for when we do start potty training. If she goes to the chair and she gets quiet, it’ll be time to bring her to the pot!
Does your kid have a favorite spot to go poop in the house?
Any other visual/audio cues that they are “making mess” in their diaper……or worse……undies?
Please share all the gruesome details in the comments. Hold nothing back, it takes a lot to gross me out! 🙂
If I may share a poop story I posted – our little girl (15 months) did a poop while in the midst of nappy free time on a mesh chair…. The full story is here:
Short version: It was gross. Very very gross.
Our boy is using the potty almost all the time now, although he won’t go if he’s wearing undies. So he freeballs most of the time….
Children and their toileting habits are strange….
Ha ha, thank you for sharing! Great story, but yes, gross, very very gross. That said, it’s just a part of parenting, huh? Like a right of passage in a way.
Not looking forward to the training days, but diapers are no fun either. Crossing fingers and hoping for the best for the both of us!
We actually had Sloane her own custom made potty (friend of mine did wood working) had a tp holder and a magazine rack. She thought it was pretty cool and had her potty trained within two weeks. It washer personal throne! Good luck on the potty training
Alright, I’d be pretty happy with that toilet setup too! Hmm, I know some neighbors that great at woodworking, I wonder if that would be a weird request?
Thanks for taking the time to comment, and for the great idea!