Go ahead, click on the badge above or to the right to go directly to their site to learn about and purchase your own NuttZo. And, since you’re here reading this, I’d like to say thank you and share a discount code to use on their site. Just click here to visit their product page and enter code liley15 to save 15% off your entire order!
With many healthy certifications under their belt lid and being the most delicious, empowering nut and seed spread every, you will find it hard to resist putting the lid back on. Trust me, Avery and I have been enjoying the Crunchy Power Fuel for a while now, and the choice is clear…
Yep, Avery knows to go for the NuttZo every time! Of course, I still need to work on her not just grabbing and getting it all over her hands…….then cabinets, then floor, then me, then….you get the idea. Also need to work on her jar opening skills, or lack thereof.
I am forever grateful to NuttZo for accepting me into their team of awesome ambassadors who are mostly top notch athletes. I actually first heard about NuttZo from one of their long-time ambassadors, Kristen Stehly, who blogs over at STUFT mama. As a fitness instructor and personal trainer, mom of twin toddler boys, and avid marathon runner, she never has a dull moment and I’ve enjoyed reading her posts for years.
NuttZo is obviously fueling their high-octane athletes quite well, but now it’s time to see how it keeps an active at-home dad (that’s me) and his toddler daughter (that’s Avery) constantly “going” and growing. I may not be a competing athlete, but I train for strength and endurance every day with Avery usually alongside of me.
I can’t wait to share NuttZo recipes, pictures, and thoughts with you here and on my other pages. If you have any suggestions on what recipe I should try to come up with first, please leave me a comment and I’ll do my best.
Right now, I’m thinking an easy homemade Chocolate NuttZo “Jello” and bread is in our future. A healthy organic nut and seed butter jello? You betcha!
By the way, it’s National Peanut Butter Day (isn’t it every day?), so why not go above and beyond with NuttZo’s Nut and Seed butter? Remember, use code liley15 to enjoy 15% off your entire order. Imagine, Dark Chocolate NuttZo and your significant other having a wonderful Valentine’s Day in the comfort of your home and not worrying about some elaborate meal when it should be more about time together.
Have you tried NuttZo before?
If so, which one? I’m going to try their 70% Dark Chocolate One very soon…MMMMM!
Congratulations on the NuttZo ambassadoriship! Give Avery some time she will get the hang of it!
Thank you, Gary, really appreciate all of your great comments and support!