How Do Kids Learn to Dance?
It’s ugly.
Actually, I found an old college photo of me “dancing” with a friend.
Yes, I had a goatee. No, there is nothing sexual about this picture. Yes, drinking was involved (see beer in hand).
Anyway, I’m sure I made my point; I suck at dancing. Sorry, Kelley. I was getting worried that Avery would fall down the same rabbit hole and be stuck with Daddy’s lack of moves, but she’s already better than me. Even a few months ago when she got down with Jay-Z.
Don’t worry, I was dancing like in the previous photo.
That little stand in one spot and squat move is about all I’ve showed her for dancing, and really it was meant more for the actually squatting exercise. But hey, no matter if you’re good or not, dancing is a great form of exercise!
Lately, Avery has branched from just standing in one spot. I’m not sure if it’s just the “pecking” order of getting older, but both Kelley and I have never showed how to dance like a chicken.
Sadly, that’s better than what I could do. And she even adds a little twist to her dancing. Again, no clue where it came from, but always fun to watch.
Not kidding, she’ll press the buttons on that cat to make it play music over and over…….and over again all day just so she can dance. She takes it seriously too, there’s no messing around when it’s dance time! Unless it’s to bust a move, that is.
All I know is that seeing her dance every day is a huge help to keep things light around here. I try not to talk about it too much, even though I have, but this whole staph infection thing is seriously limiting things I normally do. Just sitting down to read books to Avery is a pain in the ass…..not kidding.
I still exercise and go on several walks daily because, stubborn, but I know I’m not performing my best. That and I can tell it affects my mood if I’m not mindful enough. Do you ever get that way about something? Whether it’s physical or mental, you let it show through in your attitude?
We’re probably all guilty of it, but hopefully I can come to terms and better manage this since I still have a while for everything to heal. That said, I’ll end the post here today. Hoping for an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend with Going Mom and Avery. We don’t have a lot planned, just hopefully catching up on some Walking Dead episodes and then going over to Kelley’s parents to have her dad take pictures of Avery.
He has a nice studio setup and always enjoys having such a lovely subject to photograph. The subject, on the other hand, isn’t always the most cooperative…..
Have a great weekend and Memorial Day!
Any plans for the long weekend?
Ever let your mood get the best of you at the expense of those around you?
Avery got more rhythm than I ever had. I guess all that busting a move wore her out. Hope you and the family have a great Memorial Day weekend and that ass problem heals itself.
Yeah, this ass thing is lingering wayyyyy too long! If dancing helps her sleep, I’ll make sure to crank up the Jay-Z more often and let her have at it. Hell, I’ll join in too, I could use some practice!
So Cute!!! I love her dance moves!
Thank you, she’s already showing me up and has plenty of time to improve!
There is nothing cuter than babies/toddlers dancing!!! My three year old dances around like a crazy person and then asks “Do you like my moves?”…LOL They’re a lot of work but sure are entertaining!
That’s awesome! How can you NOT love our kids’ moves? Lots of work indeed, but well worth it! Thanks for stopping by!
Dancing is great exercise! I must have watched Avery dance to Jay-Z 5 times. That move where she put her hand on her chest was the best! I was cracking up, she looked like she was so into it. I wish we could all just dance like kids and not care one bit about what anyone thought.
My second son takes some of the best photos….but only on his terms. If you tell him to go somewhere stand and smile, forget about it. If you just let him pick where to stand and what to do, he’s money!
Ha ha, her moves really are addicting to watch! Glad you enjoyed!
I know what you mean about getting great shots on their terms. You basically have to pretend to not notice what they’re doing and then…..CLICK….you get it! Or you just get a blurry image. Thanks for commenting, Mike!