Avery was a handful, as usual, but she was also sweet and kept us all entertained. The drive isn’t that far to the home where I grew up, but the trip always seems to have us scrambling to get thing done when we get back home.
Then again, here I am writing a blog post, so I guess I’m being a tad contradictory….or I’m up too late. I’ll let you guess which one.
I considered not posting, but after going back to see our previous visits to G-Ma’s house, I felt like sharing pictures to capture Avery’s growth thus far using G-Ma for scale.
2 days after birth

Here they are when Avery was around 5 weeks old.

Here’s February 20th, 2014

The next month, March 2014, Avery shows off her lip curling action.

And another chubby Avery with G-Ma in March 2014

Hanging with Avery while I run a Labor Day 10k

Going Mom and G-Ma together with Avery on the Fourth of July in 2014

Same day on the Fourth, but me with my beautiful mother and her grand kid (g-kid?)

Holding Avery at Papa’s 60th birthday party this past January
At a Fourth of July 5k this year
This weekend, Avery gave G-Ma a thunderous bear hug where she roars and then hugs….obviously, and I happened to catch the act.
It’s bittersweet, seeing how much your kids grow in such a short amount of time, but so wonderful too. I could divulge about our quick trip to G-Ma’s, but seriously, it’s late and I should sleep.
I will say that my wonderful wife laid down to sleep with our wild child and never made it out that night. There was some screaming, but overall, Avery did better than past visits, and gives us hope for the next time we head down there.
Hope you had a great weekend. Anything fun to share?
They grow up fast!