Just like the format of my Roller Coaster Recap of August, I am going to recap her birthday in High-Low fashion. And, just as before, the plan is to end on a high note!
High – Just the fact that we’re celebrating the 2nd birthday of our beautiful, smart, healthy, and happy (most of the time) little girl is awesome! It’s cliche, but true, they really do grow so fast!
High – Opening a gift from G-Ma in bag with polkadots. Gasp, and her shirt has polkadots!
Low – Avery was overwhelmed by so many people giving her so much attention all at once. So I helped matters by sticking a camera in her face to capture the moment.

High – Going Mom kept decorations simple yet elegant, and the food was placed for easy access.
Low – We had a nice assortment of Beanitos Black Bean Chips, crudites, hummus, and cupcakes homemade by a neighbor laid out for our guests. Unfortunately, we completely forgot about the giant bowl of fresh strawberries in the fridge and Costco-sized peanuts we were going to set out too.
High – Avery loved her trampoline birthday gift and got to jumping right away! Hellloooo, nap time!
Low – Nap time never happened.

High – I made chocolate protein pancakes with a banana, NuttZo and chia seed frosting for her birthday cake.
Low – My decoration skills fall somewhere between 0 and a negative number. That’s supposed to be a “2” on top.
Low – Damn teething took no pity on the birthday girl, or so that’s what we’re going with.
High – Singing “Happy Birthday” to our sweet girl. She kept clapping for herself after everyone had finished 30 seconds earlier. She really likes clapping.
Low – Oops, too much attention on her again!
High – Mommy makes everything better and even helps blow out the double bonfire on her cake.
High – Avery had no issue with my cake construction and tore right into her healthy confection.
High – She even saved a bite for me and flew it first class into my mouth on Air Fork One.
High – Aunt Lindsay taught her to say “I’m free!”
High – Having fun with friends Zoey and Natalie.
Low – Crazy demon parents (that’s us) put her back in the highchair to recreate a picture from her first birthday. Not a fan.
High – Holding two fingers to show her age in a fun family photo. She’s much happier when being held.
Other than the several meltdowns resulting from too much in-your-face attention and teething, the part went fairly smooth and it was nice to see everyone. We’ll be the first to admit that we’re not great entertainers, but it seemed as if everyone was pleased. Either way, we appreciate everyone who came by to wish our sweetheart a Happy 2nd Birthday.
Now the real fun begins, right?
I don’t see a future career at the local bakery for you in the decorating department! Glad to see for the most part it was a good day!
Meh, bakeries aren’t my thing anyway. Glad she had a good birthday too!
Happy 2nd birthday sweet Avery! Looks like a fantastic day. ?
Thank you, Jen, it flew by as usual, but I think it was a great day indeed!