Although our wild tot gives us more than enough memories on a daily basis, I’ve strayed from trying to write them all out on the blog. Many are shared on my social media pages, but we simply can’t keep up with all of her words and actions!
That said, one thing has us cracking up lately, so I figured I’d share it here. At two and a half, she’s a non-stop chatter box who is talking about excavators being busy working one second, goes right into something about a cat the next second, and then says Daddy is eating with a spork. Which is true, I use a spork for all of my meals. It just makes sense!
But that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about her already becoming versed in human anatomy. We don’t try to make up some fluffy foo-foo names for private parts, we just tell her what they are to avoid some extended explanations later in life. So now, without warning or being prompted, Avery will say out loud…
Mommy and Avery have vaginas, and daddy as oooonnnneeee penis.
This is usually followed with her repeating “penis” two or three more times. It happens at dinner, playing outside, or, naturally, in the bathroom.
We simply smile and tell her she’s right. Then she into singing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or just waving and saying “Hi Mommy, hi Daddy.”
Oh how far she’s come! We love her so much, and she gives us the best laughs and lots of love each and every day.
Avery, I hope we read these memory posts together as a family years from now and share the laughs all over again. We love you!
Are your tots good with knowing human anatomy, or were they when they were younger?
It’s like a real life Kindergarten Cop isn’t it :).