The adage is true – you are what you eat. Okay, you won’t turn into a potato if you’re a spud fan. The sigh of relief from the Irish contingent is palpable. What it does mean is that whatever is in the food ends up in your body. It’s a basic chain that is impossible to deny. So, they might be everything from plastic to chemicals flowing through your veins right now. From a health and well-being point of view, this isn’t a positive thing.
To make sure what you eat is on point, here are four portions of delicious advice to eat up.
Something’s Fishy
Fish is an excellent source of, well, pretty much everything. From vitamins to iron and calcium, it has the lot. Oh, and don’t forget the omega-3 fatty acids that make it a superfood on par with kale and other leafy greens. There is one problem with seafood and it’s plastic. The seas are full of pollution from polymers and sea creatures are ingesting more of it on a daily basis. When they are caught and served on a plate, it transfers into the body. To avoid coughing up a supermarket carrier bag, check the packet for info. Is it organic? Is it well farmed? Does the supplier provide a guarantee?
It’s A MOOt Point
Let’s not lay the blame squarely at the fins of fish. Farm animals are just as unhealthy depending on their diet. And, some of them aren’t pictures of health. Cows are often injected with drugs to make them grow bigger and juicier for our consumption. Battery chickens and hens, on the other hand, are pumped with penicillin because they have lots of health issues. As the evolution of bacteria is a major deal, it’s wise to shop for organic produce. Anything that eats well and uses holistic treatments isn’t going to a farmyard junkie.
The Chemical Stew, Please
Cleaning is an important part of the daily routine. The rubber gloves come out and the industry products attack any piece of dirt in sight. And, the same goes for cutlery. Add soap to the sink and the knives, forks, and plates will inevitably soak in the chemicals. You know what happens next. Here’s what you need to do to flip the script. Rather than buy traditional cleaners, opt for organic dishwasher gel and Fairy liquid. Then, should you end up eating it, the damage won’t be severe.
Filter My Fluoride
H2O from the faucet is a sign of a stable system. Some parts of the world – Cape Town springs to mind – don’t have the same privilege. Still, tap water isn’t one-hundred percent infallible. In truth, there are lots of chemicals floating around that might be dangerous. Fluoride is a prime example. Used in toothpaste to strengthen the teeth, it can be healthy but too much has harmful effects. Because water is essential, it’s tempting to turn the faucet and drink. The best option is to install a filter to remove the dangerous particles. You can boil it yet it’s a hassle.
You are what you eat, so what are you?