Women get the most attention for wanting to look good, but guys are as bad. Dads may seem as if they don’t care, but a receding hairline and a fat gut can make them self-conscious. Whether they’re the type or not, pretty much every man on the planet wants to age gracefully, and the best way is to be healthy.
There is a caveat, though – you can’t be bothered. After all, you’re a dad who works 40 hours a week and takes care of the kids. You’re not a twenty-something spring chicken.
The good news is you don’t have to be if you know the trade secrets. Here are the health hacks for fathers who lack motivation.
Be A Cook, Not A Chef
Meals are a sticking point as guys feel as if they have to cook up a storm in the kitchen. Plus, you want as much flavor in the dish as possible when you’re on a diet. There’s nothing worse than a bland chicken breast with a side of steamed veg and lettuce. Thankfully, there is no need to act like Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen. Instead, focus on these delicious recipes which are super healthy. Not only are they tasty and good for you, but they’re quick. When you can’t be bothered to cook, speed is of the essence.
Skip The Gym
Going to the gym may seem like a necessity, but it can often get in the way. There are too many idiots that make you feel self-conscious to exercise properly. Rather than a competitive environment, create one which is fun and friendly. The great thing is it can be anywhere, from the living room to your bedroom. All you need to do is focus on activities which burn calories without the need for specialist equipment. There are twelve for your information here, but press-ups and squats work well, as does skipping. Because you can do them at home, there is no need to get overly motivated.
Boost Your Hormones
The reason you can’t be bothered is mental. Typically, there are too many negative thoughts in your brain to be proactive. Plus, there may not be enough testosterone to give you an adrenaline boost. Thankfully, you can change this with a small Tongkat Ali Dosage. Because it’s a plant, it’s entirely organic and contains no chemicals while encouraging the brain to produce extra hormones. Alternatively, you can make a concerted effort to be happier and less fatigued.
Involve The Kids
Children are active and will take you along for the ride. So, don’t sit on the sidelines – get involved. All you have to do is join them in the pool when they go swimming, or hire a bike and cycle alongside them. Getting them to kick a soccer ball around the garden is a basic way to burn calories too. In fact, anything which includes running and jumping ticks the boxes, and as you know, kids do these in their sleep.
Do you think you can be a$$ed now?