Here’s something that probably won’t surprise: having a baby changes a lot of things about your life. That’s something you probably figured out already and if you hadn’t, you’re in for a serious surprise in a few months. There really is no bigger upheaval to anyone’s life than bringing a new baby into the family. Of course, that’s not to say that it’s not also one of the most incredible and magical things that any two people can go through, bringing new life into the world and creating a family together, but if you’re not ready for the challenges involved in being a parent, you’re going to find yourself really struggling. Of course, that’s not to say that all of the changes that come when you have a baby are bad, far from it. In fact, many of those changes are truly wonderful. But that doesn’t change the fact that things are going to be undeniably different from that point onward. And here’s the thing about change, if you’re not ready for it, it can be seriously scary and pretty hard to deal with. With that in mind, here are some of the changes that you should be ready for when a new baby arrives.
Your home

You’ve probably got the nursery all set up ready for the new arrival, but one thing that a lot of people tend not to realize is just how much of an impact a baby can have on their home as a whole. After all, they’re pretty tiny, how much difference can they make? The answer is a lot. You need to be ready for your home to become an obstacle course of diapers, toys, baby clothes, and other infant detritus. Sure, you might be one of those families that keeps things perfectly tidy, even with a tiny baby in the house, but if that’s true then you’re in a pretty serious minority. Not only that but you’re going to need to start thinking about baby proofing. You might think that your house is pretty safe but once your baby is able to start crawling around, they will find their way to the most dangerous parts of the entire house. Things like covers for the plugs and locks for the cabinets are pretty much essential. Just think of it this way: if there’s something a baby can stick their hand in or stick into their mouth, and they can get access to it, it’s going to happen.
Your car
Another major change that comes when you have a baby is that it may be time to get rid of that old hunk of junk that you’ve been driving since you were 17. Sure, you might be really attached to it, but do you really want to be driving around such precious cargo in something that feels like it’s held together with duct tape and wishes? Probably not. The best thing that you can do is to find a family car that’s right for you. There are plenty of small SUVs that are safe, economical, decent value, and pretty stylish. That way, you don’t have to worry that you’ve lost all of your cool credibility now that you’ve ditched the convertible for something a little more baby appropriate.
Kids are expensive. Seriously expensive. This is one thing that you just can’t avoid. Money is going to get tighter when you have a kid. From diapers to toys to the clothes that they’re going to grow out of every two weeks, be prepared to spend a pretty hefty amount of money over the coming years. However, this doesn’t need to be a source of panic for you. The key is to adjust the way that you think about money in general. You might previously have been happy living vaguely hand-to-mouth but that’s not really going to fly when you’ve got another mouth to feed. Having some money set aside in a savings account is always a good idea so that you’re covered in the event of emergencies. Not only that but it also teaches you great habits if you’re ever in a position where you want to start saving for something like a college fund in the future.

Ah, sleep! Enjoy it while you can because there’s a pretty good chance that you’re never going to get as much as sleep again as you do right now. You probably take sleep for granted now but when you have a baby, it’s going to be a time that you cherish almost as much as you cherish your new arrival. Babies do eventually settle into a night time routine but that can take months, maybe even years. It’s a good idea to learn to sneak in little bits of sleep here and there whenever you can, usually while the baby is sleeping. If you’re not able to catch up on the little bits of sleep that you missed, then you’re just going to turn into a walking zombie most of the time. It’s also only fair that getting up in the night is something that you and your partner share equally. If one person is having to take on all of the nighttime responsibilities while the other snores away peacefully, that’s a recipe for some pretty serious levels of resentment in the future.
Your relationship
Speaking of your partner, your relationship is probably going to go through some changes as well. Now, this isn’t to say that you’re suddenly going to want to spend all of your time with your baby and none with your partner, far from it. The truth is that having a baby can bring you and your partner closer together than ever before. However, it can also leave you both feeling stressed and tired and that can often lead to arguments that could otherwise have been avoided. Not only that but you’re no longer going to be able to enjoy that feeling of the world disappearing and just leaving the two of you when there’s a screaming baby in between you. Just make sure that you’re taking the time for each other whenever you get the chance. After all, that’s what babysitters are for, isn’t it?
Your priorities
If you’ve spent your entire life being singularly focused on things like your career then there’s a good chance that you may end up experiencing some pretty serious changes in perspective when you have a baby. The truth is that there are very few things about who you are that don’t change when you have a baby. A lot of people find that they discover selflessness that they never even knew existed before now. Now, this does not mean that your entire life becomes about your baby from that point onwards. We all know those kinds of people and they’re seriously boring. It’s okay to still want to focus on your career or to still have hobbies or to still want to see friends. Just be ready to find your priorities shifting when your new baby arrives.
Now, none of this is meant to make having a baby seem scary or unpleasant. It truly is one of the most incredible things that you will ever do with your life and it will bring you more joy than you ever thought possible. However, if you’re not ready for some of the curveballs that parenthood throws at you, then dealing with them is going to be a whole lot more difficult. If you’re prepared, then even the wildest and weirdest aspects of parenting aren’t going to be enough to get in your way!