As a responsible and loving parent, you want to give your offspring the best start in life. You’ll come across all kinds of handy hints and tips that teach you how to be a better parent or how to stop your child from making terrible mistakes in their formative years.
The truth is, your child will come across all sorts of challenges in their life. What’s important is that you’re there to support your son or daughter through the good times and the bad ones.

Of course, there are some things you should do to stop problems for your child occurring when they get older. One such example is damaging their hearing. The following will give you some practical tips and advice on how to keep their hearing sharp as they grow up:
Teach Your Child to Respect Their Hearing
It’s no secret that children will often do stuff first and think about their actions later. Unfortunately, some of those actions could result in irreversible hearing damage, which is why you should teach your child to respect their hearing.
As you may know, there are many life challenges faced by persons with hearing impairment, and you don’t want your child to face such challenges if you can help it. With that in mind, here’s what you could do:
- Have your child to identify their most-favorite sounds and listen to them;
- Ask how they would feel if they could never hear those sounds again.
When your child realizes the importance of respecting their hearing, they will appreciate the sounds around them and avoid situations that could jeopardize their hearing.
Gift Your Child Noise-Canceling Headphones
In situations where your child is traveling somewhere, for example, they might wish to listen to music or sounds from their favorite portable video games console. If they use standard headphones, they might need to turn up the volume loud to hear the desired sounds.
As you can imagine, prolonged exposure to loud noises and sounds can damage your hearing. Noise-canceling headphones allow your child to listen to those sounds at lower volumes because all the background noise around them will get blocked out.
Have Your Child Use Protective Ear Muffs
Is your son or daughter particularly sensitive to loud noises? If so, investing in a set of children’s protective ear muffs is a good idea. They can wear them if they likely get exposed to loud noises, such as walking past traffic or going on public transport.
Protective ear muffs can also work well if you and your child go to social gatherings where people are talking loudly, or there are loud outdoor activities taking place, such as concerts with music blaring from loudspeakers, or indoor ones like parties.
Keep the Volume Down on Electronic Devices
Finally, when your child watches TV at home or plays computer games, there’s no reason why they should have the volume set high. With that in mind, enforce a policy of maintaining low volume on all electronic devices.