Vitamins are an essential part of our daily diets. They help support a healthy body, mind, immune system, and so much more. Without certain vitamins, medical conditions can arise. The risk of being deficient in essential vitamins is increased for plant-based diets due to the elimination of foods that are high in vitamins, such as fish, dairy products, and meat. Due to that, plant-based eaters are seeking new and efficient ways of ensuring they do not become deficient in essential vitamins. Thus, we are here to help. Here is how to combat vitamin deficiency for plant-based eaters with the best vitamins and foods to add to your diet.
Note: Although most vitamins and minerals are typically harmless, it is advised that you see your primary care doctor before making a drastic change to your diet. Additionally, it is possible to consume an excess of supplements, any of which can cause a variety of medical issues.

Hemp seeds and powders are a great source of plant-based lean protein. Without meat, eggs, and fish, it can be difficult for vegans to consume enough protein on a daily basis. By substituting those foods with products like hemp, vegans can ensure they are getting enough protein in their diet.
Hemp can be consumed in various ways to maximize intake. For example, you can purchase edibles and vapes through companies such as, as well as seeds and powders to add to foods from health food stores and online.
Vitamin B12
Without vitamin B12, people can become anemic. Anemia is a medical condition that affects red blood cells. Food that is rich in vitamin B12 includes fatty fish, which is prohibited on a plant-based diet. Thus, the lack of food means it is ideal to substitute the vitamin with a supplement. It is difficult to get enough B12 from plant-based foods alone, so it is safer to add a supplement to your daily diet.
Protein food sources
Plant-based diets often lack protein due to the elimination of high-protein sources such as eggs, meat, and fish. Without protein, the body’s muscle mass will deplete and cause a reduction of body movement and poor posture. In time, this can cause a whole array of bone and joint issues.
Good protein sources for plant-based diets include lentils, legumes, dark leafy greens (arugula, spinach, kale, broccoli), quinoa, and tofu. Other foods that include protein are whole grains and nuts. But, these contain a lower quantity so a person would need more of them. To ensure you are getting enough protein on a plant-based diet, add one or more of the foods above to each of your meals.
Plant-based eaters lack iron-rich foods, such as fish and poultry. Iron can be found in plant-based foods, such as cereals, but in limited quantities. A lack of iron can cause anemia, just like a lack of vitamin B12 can. To prevent this, iron supplements are a good option. When eaten alongside side iron-containing foods, the body can attain enough iron to prevent deficiency.
Plant-based foods that contain a good amount of iron include dark leafy greens, lentils, tofu, dark chocolate, and quinoa. When these foods are eaten alongside vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus foods, absorption is increased.
The foods richest in omega-3’s are fatty fish, which is an eliminated food on the plant-based diet. A lack of omega-3’s can cause a deterioration of the hair, skin, and nails. It can also increase fatigue, reduce concentration, and cause joint pain. To prevent this, omega-3 supplements should be taken to increase the daily amount attained.
Omega-3 supplements are a good option to increase your daily dose of the vitamin in a quick way. If you forgot to take supplements, you can also source omega-3 from some plant-based options. This includes flax seeds, chia seeds, leafy vegetables, and beans. Although the omega-3’s present within these foods is less than fatty fish, they still offer some source of the essential nutrient.
Healthy fats
Every diet should contain enough healthy fats. Fats are not something to be afraid of. They can increase skin healing, prevent skin disorders, and reduce the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
To get enough healthy fats from a plant-based diet, it is good to eat foods such as nuts, avocados, oils, and olives. All are easy to integrate within every meal of the day. For example, seeds can be added to breakfast bowls, drinks, and to top dishes. Oils can be used to cook no matter the meal.
Vitamin A
A lack of vitamin A means the body may find it difficult to fight off infections. Over time, this could cause an illness to become worse than it should. To increase your daily consumption of vitamin A, supplements can be taken. Or, there are plenty of vitamin A-rich foods that are ideal for the plant-based diet. This includes leafy greens, root vegetables, and red berries.
Nice article. Thank you very much for addressing this issue. Many people currently have similar questions about the plant-based diet. Your article provides answers to many such questions. I appreciate your efforts in collecting and presenting this information. Please keep sharing such valuable information.
Thank you for the kind and encouraging words! I plan on continuing to spread valuable information as much as possible, I’m glad you appreciate it! 🙂