Sage Advice For People Who Struggle To Stay Healthy At Work

Staying healthy at work is notoriously challenging. Work always finds a way of taking priority over your personal wellbeing to the point where you can actually begin to suffer, age faster and develop disease. 

Fortunately, there is a way to fight back. Check out these ideas. 

Eat Healthily At Lunch Time

healthy, health, work, nutrition, diet, food, eating

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Don’t do what most people do and go to the canteen to chow down on burgers and fries. Instead, bring your packed lunch with you. Make sure that you get plenty of veggies, whole grains, fruits and seeds. This combination of food will keep you powered in the afternoon and give you loads of energy that improves your performance. 

Don’t Snack

While snacking is commonplace at work, it’s also a bad habit. Keeping your blood sugar levels elevated all day can lead to weight gain in the short term and chronic disease in the long-run. 

Get Up From Your Screen Regularly

Don’t sit at your computer terminal for eight hours straight. Instead, get up every hour or so. Research suggests that a small amount of movement – about two minutes per hour – is enough to undo the damage done by prolonged sitting. 

Practice Lifting

If you have a manual job, you spend a lot of your time lifting and carrying. Unfortunately, you can injure yourself over time, especially if you perform the same movements day after day, week after week.

Always practice lifting in the right manner. Your employer should provide you with a course on this. If you have access to an exoskeleton suit for lifting, use it. You can always get safer exercise outside of work. 

Don’t Work Hard Too Many Days In A Row

Working hard one or two days in a row is okay. But trying to keep it up for a week or more can begin to damage your health.

Exercise During Your Lunch Break

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Workers don’t have a huge amount of time to move throughout the day. But exercising during your lunch break can help. Try taking a brisk walk before or after you eat. This way, you can burn off excess calories while also reducing any blood sugar spike from your meal. 

Stretch Often

Most offices provide ergonomic chairs for workers. But even so, you should take time to regularly stretch. Extending your muscles helps them return to their natural position. 

You can do simple neck stretches while you are at your desk. And you can also stand up regularly and do more complex movements. 

Keep Your Equipment Clean

Bacterial and viral infection is a risk at work. Many people travelling to the same location every day increases your risk of disease. Fortunately, though, you can fight back by keeping your keyboard and mouse clean. These objects tend to harbor more germs than any other surface in the office. So even if you wash your hands regularly, they may still pose a risk. 

When cleaning your keyboard and mouse, use alcohol-based products since these will not interfere with the electronics. 

In summary, maintain your healthy practices at work. Doing so will make you happier and more productive.

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