Still, no matter how many times I’ve done it already, it is awkward trying to pee while wearing Avery in our Baby Bjorn sling. For one thing, her legs are long enough now to give my arm one good kick and make me miss my target. At home, this isn’t so bad, but in public, it could lead to criticism or just dirty looks. So what!? A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. Agreed?
I’m sure as she grows older (and heavier), wearing Avery and peeing will prove more difficult, but I’ll deal with that as the time comes.

In other events, Avery had a major cryfest last night and Kelley and I could not figure it out. Gas did not seem to be an issue, she had a clean diaper, and wouldn’t feed anymore. It took several hours of Kelley holding and trying to calm her, a little time with me holding and singing random songs on the fly, going back to Kelley for a while, and then just laying on me squirming until she finally gave into sleep. Then she slept for almost 8 hours straight!
The sleeping part was nice, but still not worth it what she did beforehand. We’re hoping for a better run tonight; fingers crossed!
Only two more work days for daddy (me) before I start my new job as a stay-at-home dad. I have major nerves circulating my brain and body, but I’m excited nonetheless. Trying to figure out a schedule and a way to get in exercise which I so greatly depend on for sanity will be hard, but hopefully not futile.
Luckily, my workouts are in the garage and not running long distance as in the past, so hopefully that’s a plus on my end.
Any other dads out there have a certain way to deal with peeing while wearing your baby?
What about working out? I figure I’ll try while she’s asleep…..if I’m not wearing her!
My son is a little bit older – almost 20 months now – but I learned fairly quickly to just hold him in my left arm and do my business with my right. As he got older, he got more interested in seeing what was going on, so it got a little more complicated to keep him upright when he would try to lean forward to look.
Ha ha, I could see leaning over being a problem! I tried the left arm thing once and just flung herself around too much! I’ll have to revisit this approach as she is able to keep herself more stable. Thanks for the tips and for visiting!
You can do more than pee when wearing your baby! 😉
Always good to know, but I think I’ll stick with just peeing for now!
I was wearing my sleeping son at work recently and had to deal with this issue in the company bathroom. Fortunately the one urinal was free, and I’ve used it often enough for sense memory to kick in. I flew blind, but hit the target. Good spatial awareness is key.
Ha ha, I can’t even hit the target in our home toilets! But not too far off most times.