Tummy Time and When Can We Play?!

We are just about 3 months into being parents and I’m already restless wanting to play with Avery. Am I being too impatient? Anyone else have these feelings?

I try and play peek-a-boo, nothing. I open a book to read and she looks everywhere but right in front of her at the book and then usually gets fussy; fail. I jump from around a corner and say boo; bad idea, she just starts to cry.

For some dumb reason, I thought it might be cool to pop those plastic air-filled packaging things for a “fun” and surprising pow sound. Nope. She made her bottom lip turn over just like you’d see a sad cartoon puppy do and started crying. It didn’t last long, but I felt bad. Kelley and I have started calling her sad face the “Hector Face” because it reminds us of the old guy named Hector on “Breaking Bad.”

Okay, her lip goes down more than this and she's a lot cuter, but the name is stuck.
Okay, her lip goes down more than this and she’s a lot cuter, but the name is stuck.

I know I must have patience, and everyone keeps reminding me of this, but I keep trying every day anyway. Since I am stay-at-home dadding, there’s only so much to do. If she’s sleeping, I can’t be too loud, I don’t even flush the toilet! I spend most time in the kitchen making lunch/dinner for Kelley and myself, as well as get in a workout in our cold garage. If Avery naps well, that is.

Then it’s just feed, burp, change diaper, walk/talk/move around, swaddle, try to feed again, try to get her to nap, fail at my attempt, offer the bottle, change diaper again, do chores with her in the Baby Bjorn, attempt to play, fail at playing, and so on and so forth. That’s not a run on sentence, is it?

I’ve been trying to get Avery to move or roll over with Tummy Time sessions, but she just cries the whole time and sucks on her hand. She did, however, get really close to rolling herself over, if that damn right arm would be in the way! Kelley and I got all excited about this and I can only imagine how thrilled we’ll be when she actually does something. #beingnewparentsiswonderful

Why the pound sign talk? No clue, I’m not very Twitter savvy, but this is me trying. Yeah, I know they call it a hash tag, but I refuse to say that because it’s a freakin pound sign! Do you ever hear the automated voice on the phone say “Enter your password and press hash tag.”…..NO!

Tummy Time Fail. Sorry, Avery.
Tummy Time Fail. Sorry, Avery.

Anyway, I’ll let Avery cry for a while as she lays on her tummy just hoping she’ll do something magnificent. Nothing yet, but the day will come, I know it! Then that will be the start of maybe more playing.

We want to get her a bouncer really soon since she is pretty good about holding her head up on her own now. Anyone have any good recommendations? Can’t decide if we should go brand new or find a good used one. Or is that frowned upon? Let me know, I’m up for suggestions!

Okay, Avery is getting squirmy, so that means the end of this post. Off to go see if I will get a happy face or Hector Face….

As a parent, did you ever get anxious to start playing?

How long do you let your baby cry (if he or she did) during Tummy Time?

5 thoughts on “Tummy Time and When Can We Play?!”

  1. Ah, I know where you are coming from, but don’t wish the time away. Before you know it she will be crawling and destroying your house. My two are 8 and 4 now and I would give anything to go back to 3 months and just enjoy it. Enjoy each day, enjoy the peace and go with the flow. When she is older, it will be non stop play, but for now, read to her, encourage tummy time with rattles, sing songs and as for bouncer, def second hand, as she will be in it for 5 mins. Think of getting an activity centre too soon. They are fab, and as she gets older, you can trap her in it for 2 mins will you run to the loo! X

    1. I know, I keep telling myself to enjoy it, I just get a little pushy for play time. Thank you for the advice and tips on activity toys. We looked at a new bouncer today and talked ourselves out of it and will look for a used one.
      Do you have any favorite activity centers you would suggest?

      1. I would just go with something that will work for you. Think about whether you want it to move or not, like a walker. But do get second hand as it really isn’t worth spending the money on new. Save that for the important things. Think about whether you will use a bouncer. We didn’t much to be honest. We used a bumbo more.
        Just laughing as I re read your post, I remember being like this, so focused on the baby, when your second arrives it is very different!
        One more thing, don’t get too hung up on getting her to sleep, she will do it eventually and get into a pattern of a nap in the morning and one in the afternoon and will then want one in the witching hour which you will be fending off with every means possible! X

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