I have about 4 or 5 different stores I’ll go to for various food items depending on what we need. The most frequent stores I visit are Costco and Sprouts. I used to go to Central Market (owned by H-E-B) but haven’t made it there as much. Hopefully soon because I love that place! Anyway, today we went to 3 stores; Sprouts, Kroger, and Costco, in that order.
Getting Avery in the Outback from her car seat was not as easy as the Baby Bjorn, but it wasn’t difficult either. Plus, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as comfort and security go.

Avery is still unsure of her new carrier and let me know it by squirming and giving tiny whimpers every now and then. The Outback is made more for babies a little older than Avery, so she has some growing to do. The Baby Booster that Diana sent along with the carrier does help and Avery was better when I had her in it yesterday, but I didn’t take it along for the store trips.

As you can see, Avery can’t see when in the Outback at her size. This didn’t give her any head room and it was basically stuck in one spot. Eventually, she’ll grow and her head will be poking out like in the photos from Onya’s website.
Ha ha, I had to go pee while there, and as I stood at the urinal, I looked down at Avery and said “It will be better when you’re bigger.” I paused, looked around and luckily no one else was in there, and then I laughed at myself. Oops!
With the Baby Booster, Avery would ideally have her head up higher so she can see out and ultimately be happy. She still fell asleep after a while, but I know it really will be better when she’s bigger.
Almost an hour in Sprouts and now it was time for Kroger. This is where I buy a lot of frozen veggies since they have great prices. It only took 30 minutes here and would’ve been faster if I didn’t have to wait for an old lady return two kinds of lip gloss. Ugh.
Avery didn’t whine too much at Kroger, but I could tell she was getting antsy about something. Then she dug her face into my chest and started eating my shirt. Ahhh, she’s hungry!
Once we arrived at Costco, I offered her the bottle before we went inside and she eagerly accepted.

30 minutes later and we were off for the last shopping trip. More fussing ensued followed by falling asleep as I was ready to check out.
Back at home I unloaded the groceries as Avery sat in her swing watching me. I knew she was tired, but it was too late to deal with swaddling her and getting her to sleep, so I did the next best thing…..go for a run.
Strapped in the B.O.B. stroller, we went for a quick 4.5 miles with Abby (our Golden) and Avery got a little nap as a result. Phew, something is better than nothing!
Once Kelley made it home, I strapped Avery in the Onya Outback for the fourth time and we went for a short walk. The weather was beautiful with only a minor chill in the air, and I enjoyed being with my two ladies while taking it all in.
As things were winding down and Avery was about ready for bed, we tried to get her to roll over as she has been the past couple days. But, no, she was exhausted. She would have bouts of crying and then just suck on her hand. Poor girl, we’ll try again tomorrow. Oh yeah, she’s getting shots!

Today’s Onya Outback total usage time = 3.5 hours
Notes: Avery definitely has some growing to do before getting really comfortable in the Outback, but the Baby Booster helps a lot. For me, I am way more comfortable wearing the Onya than wearing the Baby Bjorn. No growing tension on my shoulders and Avery doesn’t flop around every time I twist, turn, or bend down. Tomorrow I plan on taking her for an hour long walk and hope to have a good report afterward.
2 thoughts on “Our First Day Out in the Onya Outback”