Just so happens that’s what I did with Avery this morning! Her delayed visit became the present and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t happy. I could ramble on and on about her visit, but I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking.
Feeling pretty good today and Daddy is just taking pictures of me in my car seat.
Wait a second……why am I in my car seat?
W-wh-what is this building? There’s no food here!
Noooo! I smell a doctor’s office and Daddy is looking at me with apologetic eyes!! Oh, I just pooped a little.
I’m not going to stop this until Daddy takes me back home now!! No, don’t take me in another room!
Hmm, my hand is pretty good and I’m quite flexible…
Oh, okay, Daddy just took me to hang out in this room while I work on my hand.
What the!?! That was the worst feeling ever! Daddy, you are now my arch nemesis!!
Seriously, where is Mommy? And why am I still crying with my thumb in my mouth? Self-soothing my diaper rash!
I feel a little tired now, maybe I’ll just rest my ey….
And that was our trip to the doctor’s office for Avery’s 4 month checkup. Luckily we are following the alternative vaccine schedule I mentioned before and she only got 2 shots. She’ll get more next month, but at least her body won’t be overwhelmed.
Avery weighed in at 13.9 lbs putting her in the 68th percentile for her age and she was 25 inches in height which is in the 86th percentile. This didn’t seem to be too concerning since she is on a strictly breast fed diet. Our doctor said after the 4 month mark, we should start seeing a boost in weight. So, we’ll see how she’s doing at the next checkup!
After a long 3 hour nap, I took Avery for our first walk in the Onya Baby Outback. I’ve been very anxious to test it out on a long walk and eagerly headed out the door with our dog, Abby in tow.

We went our standard route which is a 1.5 mile loop that I do twice. I really like going up the big hill to make it more challenging. Yes, I’m weird like that. Wait until you see what I do with a Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel Mower. I’ll go into detail in future posts.
Avery was fussy for a while, but ended up falling asleep. I was worried she wasn’t into the Onya, but after we got home, we found the culprit of her fussiness was a dirty diaper! Oops, sorry Avery!
Along the route, we ran into the neighborhood goose. He usually around the same area every day we go for a walk.

After we finished our hour of walking, which was close to 4 miles, Going Mom was home and we went for another 30 minute walk. So the total time in our Onya Outback was just over an hour and a half today and about 5.25 miles!

I’m thoroughly satisfied after our first long walk in the Outback and know Avery will enjoy it more when she is bigger. I did use the Baby Booster this time and it helped her temperament over how it was without. One thing I noticed it that I can move my arms to wipe sweat or bugs from my face without worrying about the carrier moving around while she sleeps. In the Baby Bjorn, since the tension is all on my shoulders, any arm movements usually disrupt her slumber.
I am seriously liking the Outback and look forward to another journey tomorrow. Hopefully Avery will be more accepting too!

2 thoughts on “The 4 Month Checkup and Avery Might be Taller than Us”