I’ve read a few signs to look for to know your baby is ready is for them to sit up on their own and that they lose their reflex to push out with their tongue. Right now, Avery does not sit up on her own and I’m pretty sure that tongue reflex is how she rejects the bottle every day. But we’ll start slow and take it from there.
She still has 12 days before she’s officially 6 months anyway, so maybe an intense core workout will build up her strength to sit on her own. Bad idea?
Well, what’s not a bad idea is making your own baby food. Those little jars of pureed grain and produce can and do add up fast, so it only makes sense to make your own. It’s healthier, puts you in control, and saves money!
Here’s my top 10 list of recipes, tip, tricks, and helpful tools to have you on your way to making a nutritious puree!
1. This is a long one but a good one!
2. Gotta have the tools!
3. If you don’t know it already, homemade costs less and is healthier!
4. If I had a printer, this would be printed.
5. This is great for any left over breast milk bags. They also make bags like the little fruit squeeze pouches that cost an arm and a leg, but they are reusable for your homemade food. Here’s the link.
6. Yes, I’m getting this!
7. Good to know a schedule of what to start with.
8. Another good info source.
9. Make that Crock-Pot work!!
10. More tips and ideas. Can’t have enough of these!
Do you make or plan on making your own baby food?
Any stories (good, bad, funny, etc.) you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them!
I’ve recently found your blog and enjoy reading your updates on baby as well as your reviews! Have you looked into baby led weaning? My little girl is only 4 months, but I definitely want to try it when the time comes. It seems easier than making all the purees and more fun for baby!
Hi there, I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog, and thanks for reading! I have looked into weaning a little and like the sounds of it. I will probably do a mix of feeding puree and slowly trying the weaning process. I hope you’re still reading in a few months so you can let me know how weaning is working out for you!
Thanks, I will follow along to see how it goes for you!
We’ve been doing baby led weaning with our now 8 month old since he was 6 months old (and started grabbing tortellini from daddy’s bowl). He loves his food, especially meat and curry.
Well, now you and Ciana are making me seriously consider BLW even more! Thanks for sharing about the success with your son and for reading. My biggest fear is since she does not have teeth yet, won’t that be an issue? Also, ever have a problem with choking?
Our little guy doesn’t have teeth yet either. In the beginning it’s really more about tastes and texture, learning to bring food to one’s mouth, and to chew before swallowing. He’s still getting the majority of his calories from formula. We’ve never had a problem with him choking, though he did gag once or twice in the beginning.
If you’re interested, I’d recommend the Baby Led Weaning cookbook it’s a more concise explanation of BLW than the full book is, and comes with some good recipes. http://www.amazon.com/The-Baby-Led-Weaning-Cookbook-Recipes/dp/161519049X
Good to know, and thank you again. I’m checking the book out now!