Going Mom was adamant about strictly breastfeeding until the 6 month mark, and true to her word, she has held her ground. So many babies miss out on the best source of nutrition (and free!), and I am glad Kelley forged through the rough patches to make sure Avery was fed well!
Now the time has come to introduce solids to Avery since at this point her digestive system is developed well enough properly breakdown and utilize various foods. Breast milk will still be her main source of nutrition up to her one year mark, but now I get to take part in “producing” food for Avery!
In my last Top Ten Pinterest Picks post, I shared links related to homemade baby food purees, but baby-led weaning is something different. Baby-led weaning (BLW) is simply letting your child feed themselves at the very start of introducing solids.
Many parents stand by this style of teaching their little ones how to feed themselves and love that they don’t have to fret over steaming, pureeing, and storing food in ice cube trays. Of course, things will get messy, and we accept that…..I think.
Although I was all for and ready to puree away, I started to get more and more into BLW as I read about it. So now, I might do a mixture of both, but we’ll be starting Avery with the BLW method this weekend and I hope to have a successful report next week.
I have green beans, baby carrots, and avocado to start with; all organic. I’ll steam the green beans and carrots to make sure they are plenty soft for Avery’s toothless mouth, and the avocado is fine as is. I plan on sticking with veggies and savory fruit like the avocado at first just to try and keep Avery from developing a sweet tooth right away.
If these prove successful, I’ll happily start giving her mango slices and bananas as a nice treat. Big things happening here in the Liley household, and we’re excited to watch our daughter experience another first soon!
Check out my top ten Pinterest picks for Baby-led weaning and share any thoughts/advice you may have in the comments section.
1. Starting Baby-Led Weaning – This is an informative post with tips on what to start with as well as covering any concerns you may have. I felt better after reading this one.
2. Getting started with baby-led weaning – Going with the “always get a second opinion” motto, this is another post on the same site as above, but it’s reassuring to read positive comments from another source, and then another, and another, and…well you get the point.
3. These might start feeling redundant, but I promise, you feel more comfortable after reading about BLW from various authors/parents. This one shares good foods to start with as well as how to properly prepare them.
4. I’m not “paleo”, but I know many are, and I assume they’d want the same for their little one. Just so happens, there’s a parent blogger who felt like sharing their experience. Paleo or not, this is actually a good source of info and is worth the read.
5. I plan on just using single ingredients to feed Avery, but if you feel like cooking, here’s a 100 recipes to get you started!
6. Unless you’re on an all liquid diet, I’m sure you know what happens when you eat solid food; poop with substance. We’re a cloth diapering family, and since we need a way to remove the “big deposits” before putting in the diaper bin, a diaper sprayer is our chosen way. Some people dunk their diapers….no thanks.
7. Since I prefer not to paint our bathroom walls with poop, this Spray Pal will keep the poo from splashing everywhere when you are spraying. I just received one free of charge from Spray Pal to review, and I’ll share my experience very soon!
8. Just another option if you don’t feel like making one yourself. Nothing wrong with it, and this is the one we just purchased.
9. Again, just making myself comfortable be reading about BLW from multiple sources. We’re all different and it’s good to get many different opinions!
10. A simple site on why these parents love BLW and a list of benefits over being spoon-fed.
What are your thoughts on baby-led weaning?
Do you prefer the traditional spoon-fed method or like BLW better?
This is a great resource! I’m so glad I found it. My third baby is four months and we plan to do BLW with her. We basically did it with my second but I still used purées and started with cereal.
And I can tell you that having a sprayer attached to the toilet is so useful, even when you’re not cloth diapering. I use it to hose off my boys in the tub after playing outside and it comes in handy when potty training.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi there! Happy to see this helps you out and glad that you’ll be trying BLW as well! Sounds like the sprayer is a great tool and can’t wait till we have ours!
Thanks for reading and please come back to let me know how your daughter takes to BLW when you start!
We do BLW with our 9 month old.
He absolutely loves Stoneyfield “yo-baby” yogurt, organic and usually in the “hippy food” section. I’d totally recommend it. But not the vanilla flavor, that one tastes like stinky cheese feet.
I remember you commenting about BLW on my previous posts which got me looking into it more, so thanks for that and for the yogurt recommendation!
I’ll steer clear from the vanilla; last time I tried stinky cheese feet, I didn’t like it! 🙂
I love the look of those diaper sprayers!! Great post.
And your daughter is simply beautiful! <3
I know, I have a feeling those sprayers will save us from a lot of “crappy” situations!
And thank you for the compliment, we think she’s beautiful too!!
The 6 month mark for the introduction of solids is so exciting. We did BLW as well and I absolutely LOVED it. I really should look into the diaper sprayers. I started using flushable liners when I realized I couldn’t stand dunking. Looking forward to your post on the Spray Pal.
I know, we’re getting ready for the first try tonight! So glad to hear another person who is happy with BLW!
I was hoping the sprayer would’ve made it here by now, but Amazon is taking forever on the delivery. At least we have the Spray Pal already and I can’t wait to report about it….hopefully as being successful! Thanks for reading!
Glad you’re going to try, looking forward to seeing how it works out! We’ll be there in a month, so I definitely want to see how it’s done 🙂
Well, the first day was a bust, but we’re trying again today. Stay tuned!