I used to make fun of hashtag use and seriously got annoyed because I’ve always know it as a pound sign. Mainly because, IT IS!
When you get an automated voice on the phone, it doesn’t say “Please enter your password followed by the hashtag”. Not yet at least.
But, I have succumbed to its use and do it daily. #igiveup
So I started to wonder what my 6 month old daughter, Avery, would say in hashtag if she knew how. And thus, my post was born! Here’s my attempt to put hashtag words in Avery’s mouth for some of our recent pictures.
Dad called the hashtag a pound sign! #WTF
And picture number 1,033 for the day….#StopDad
I’m still here. #PhotoBomber
Go ahead, cat, make the first move. #KittyCompetition
I didn’t actually mean for you to make a move! #GiveMeTheRedDot
I have to feed myself with this?! #BringBackBoob
Just doin what I do. #RaspberrySelfie
It stinks. #WhoFarted
It was me. #BroccoliMadeMe
What, another picture session? #DontLookDontLookDontLook
Those stupid waving fingers always get me. #Crap
I think I just have to fart…..oops. #ChangeMyDiaper
Not all toys are fun. #IMissTheRedDot
Yeah mom, I love the bow. #Ppthhhppthhhppththpptthh
Go ahead, ask me another question you already know I can’t answer. #BabyProblems
Now that I use hashtags on a daily basis, I get how useful they are for social media and business, but there will always be a part of me that questions how and why the ever originated. But, like most things with technology, you just have to go with the flow.
What are your thoughts on using hashtags?
Any personal stories?
Don’t you call it the pound sign?
My husband who is from England has always called it a hash, because a pound sign is this £ (if that actually works lol).
Ahhh, thank you, Kelly! I think this unfolds part of my question. I bet the creator of Twitter was English as well!!
It’s a number sign.
Yeah, a number sign that you “pound”…..on the phone!! 🙂
#hahaha #:)