I’m sure you see where I’m going here; these are the kind of raspberries you blow making a”pbtpbtpbtpbt” sound along with a little or a lot of spit.
Avery has been giving us plenty of these fresh from her mouth each day. She blows them when she’s happy, she blows them when she’s mad, and hell, she blows them when she’s sleeping!
It’s been going on for a while now, but lately she’s making a point to show us how well she can make raspberries at all times of the day. Emphasis on “all”.
We’ve woken up to the sound of raspberries emanating through the baby monitor at night, and she blows them every time we change her. I get that babies love to do new things they learn, and it’s cute, but what’s not cute is that she has also found her high pitch voice.
Ugh, anytime she’s crying (which is a lot since she’s teething), it has to be in the highest pitch she can muster. My throat hurts just listening to it, and I have no clue how she carries on for so long. But you pick her up and you’d think nothing was ever wrong; she just goes back to raspberries and smiles.
Since she’s given us several pictures of her raspberry blowing in action, I want to share the photos with you today. Enjoy the pics, and please share any raspberry stories you may have. I’d love to see the pictures of your kids’ raspberries if you have them; just share them on Going Dad’s Facebook page please!

I enjoyed reading this. I think that I might have a video or two of my son’s raspberry blowing exploits but not any photos. Perhaps it’s time to put this right!
Glad you enjoyed! I always think back to when I read your post about your son blowing raspberries months ago, and I wondered if my daughter would do the same. Now here we are and she’s full throttle! Better get those pictures!