On average, a baby born at full-term will most likely double their birth weight at 4 months, and triple it by the time they reach 1 year old. Most babies have about 5 growth spurts within their first year which is when most of their growing will take place. If it seems like one day your baby fits perfectly in their onesie and the next day it can’t go over their head, that’s because most of their growth occurs in very short, intense bursts.
What does all of this mean? It means we need to savor every second, minute, hour, day, etc. that we have with our constantly growing babies before they grow right out of our arms! And don’t forget the only way to keep them from growing is by capturing them in pictures and on video. So while your baby may continue growing, you will always be able to relive their “tiny moments” whenever you want.
As new parents, Going Mom and I have no problem taking pictures and recording videos of Avery every day. 7 months into it and I’m pretty sure we have enough media of our daughter to fill a hard drive! Okay, not one of those monster drives, but we have A LOT!
We have been capturing Avery’s growth month-by-month by sitting her beside a stuffed teddy bear to take a picture, but she’s not always cooperative…

Thankfully, the two moms behind Grow With Me Tee, sent us their “age ruler” tee to help our photo-journaling efforts.
They give you a fabric marker to color in the ruler with each birthday and half birthday to record how much they’ve grown each time.
As you can see, Avery still doesn’t make it easy, but I guess that’s just the age.

I love having this tee as we will be able to watch her grow into and out of it as time goes by. Like most things with your growing baby, it’s bittersweet to see how much they grow!

Grow With Me Tee also offers a onesie with an “age clock” for your baby’s first year, as well as a customizable collegiate-style tee to document your kid’s growth from pre-school all the way to high school. This will be the next shirt we get after Avery’s 5 year ruler is all colored in. Oh geez, that’s scary to think about; we’ll be half-way to 40 years old!!
These Grow With Me Tee’s are such a great idea and a perfect gift for anyone expecting or who recently had a baby. They are inexpensive but will provide priceless memories for years down the road.
As a bonus for being a Going Dad reader, the “Chief Moms” behind Grow With Me Tee, Nicole and Bethany, have agreed to give you 15% off of their products! Just use coupon code GOINGDAD15 after shopping for your favorite tee on their website and the discount will be applied. This code will be valid through the end of July 2014.
How sweet is that?! Get something that literally will last for years and can be enjoyed by you and your loved ones. What are you waiting for, get to shopping now!
Make sure to show Grow With Me Tee some love and check them out Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! When you snap a photo of your little one in their tee, they’d love to see and showcase the pic on their pages!
Do you enjoy photo-journaling your baby/toddler/adolescent to document their growth?
Which style of tee do you like most from Grow With Me Tee?