Okay, so I’m not
physically leaving anywhere, I’m just (hopefully) changing from current free blog to a self-hosted domain.
Exactly when? I haven’t a clue. I already have my new domain registered, and it is www.going-dad.com. I’m trying to get the main task of exporting everything from this free blog and importing it to my new one, but my lack of knowledge on this topic is shining bright since I’m not getting very far!
After having paid for 3 years of self-hosted service, I’m reluctant to pay for one of the many transfer services offered, but I might end up going that route if all else fails. So far, all else is failing!
I’ve been bothering Going Mom about switching to a self-hosted blog for a long time, and she’s listened to me go on and on more than she needs to, so I’m glad I finally bought the service. Now I just need to figure out what to do with it!
In the meantime, please bare with me and offer any thoughts/tips/advice you have. I’m hoping that I am able to transfer all of you that are currently subscribed/following me, but please, if you still care to follow a crazy stay-at-home dad getting worked up about free blogs vs. self-hosted on top of my many OCD tendencies, please visit www.going-dad.com and bookmark the site to be ready to follow if needed.
I wanted to have goingdad.com, but that’s taken and would cost about $50 to $70 just for a broker to go and see if the owner will sell it for a certain amount. Might sound cheap to some, but that’s a new kettlebell for this girl right there!

However, goingdad.net is still available, and if I ever get everything else squared away, I would like to purchase that domain to hold on to. One thing at a time though.
Anyway, I’m just rambling now. Better get back to messing around with transferring my blog and other things I have no clue on. Hope you’re having a great weekend and that you still want to stick around!
Have you ever made the switch from a free blog account to a paid domain/self-hosted?
If so, was it easy, hard, or you had someone do it all for you?