We’ve been watching the workers quickly and efficiently construct the two story house that seems to dwarf our one story, but hopefully the new neighbors will be nice!
I have no clue what I’m doing when it comes to editing photos, but figured I’d have fun and see what I can come up with. Here is the original photo:
Cute, of course, because, when isn’t she? But here is what I came up with. I just messed around with the basics like hue, brightness, etc. and added a blur effect.
What do you think? Too much? Any quick tips on how to make photos a little more lively? I want to try doing a black and white one but having just one part in color. What is that called?
I must say I nearly always add a little brightening to my photos, on instagram especially. they are so small there to make an impact I think you need slightly too much to get noticed.
I do the same on instagram, and definitely agree with you. Thanks for visiting and commenting!
I think it is a beautiful photo with or without effects. I have only just started exploring some basic editing concepts and I’m not very clever with it, but sometimes they can make some of the least obvious shots look really striking.
I know, hopefully I can turn dull pics into something special one day soon! Good luck on your editing journey and thanks for commenting!
gorgeous with or without effects. I always use picfx to make my photos to stand out a little bit.
Thank you, Gemma, I’ve never heard of picfx but will check it out now. Have a great day!
They are just beautiful! You did well x
Thank you, Kim, always appreciate your comments!
Beautiful photos. If you want an app to use give Snapseed a look, great for editing photos.
Thank you for linking up
Appreciate the comment, Darren, and I’ll check out Snapseed. Although, Gary made a good point, so now I need to take other pics to edit!
That girl doesn’t need edited she is adorable!
Thank you, Gary, great point! Guess that’ll give me some free-time now that I don’t need to edit! 🙂
I usually use picmonkey and just do auto correct. But if I have time i play with the exposure and brightness.
She looks so adorable as always =) #mysundayphoto
Yeah, I love auto correct sometimes, but other times I feel it makes it worse. I like picmonkey or iPiccy myself. Thank you as always, Merlinda!