1. Ninja Turtle Pizzas At G-Ma’s – This was our second time bringing Avery to stay the night at G-Ma’s (or anywhere), and she let us all know her distaste for not sleeping in her crib.

2. Our Nightly Routine and I’m Inventing a Water Swaddle – Always fun to look back at what our routine was like a year ago. She was crazy then and beyond crazy now! This also features me wearing Avery in the Baby Bjorn front facing; what I now know better NOT to do for many development reasons.

3. How to Tell Your Baby They Are Getting Shots – I made more “conversations” with Avery back then and need to work on more. It’s always fun writing these posts.
4. A Talk With My 4 Month Old About Teething – See? I did this a lot compared to now. Love reading them over and over, and man how she’s changed!
5. A Walking Revelation, Darth Vader Sweat, and Avery in a Zippy – This was the month where I received our first Onya Baby baby carrier and haven’t looked back since.

6. Hanging With My Daughter in the Dad Cave – Before baby gates and toys were needed, she just laid there. But I made the most of it!
7. Weekend Recap: Breaking Bad, She Rolled Over, 4 Month Shots Delayed, and Teething – The title says it all.

8. Sleeping on the Nursery Floor and Onya Outback Progress – We had our fair share of sleeping on the nursery floor, here’s one account.

9. A Hissing Goose and An Ass Woke My Baby – Another self-explanatory title and picture. We still have the goose and ass hanging around too!

10. Explaining Exercise to a Baby – Seriously, I’m going to create a post to gather all of my conversations with Avery. This one should be no surprise to those that know me.
I started writing this thinking I’d only share 5, but there were too many I wanted to share in March. Maybe I’ll do 5 for April.
What do you think, do you like seeing a recap of posts from a year ago?
Do you ever have “conversations” with your baby….before they can actually speak?
Geese are mean I hate the bastards! Seeing all the infant photos makes me want to get mine out now and relive those “scared” moments all of us first time parents have. Like the time got dressed and was in my vehicle before I remembered my daughter was still asleep in her crib. Avery is just adorable, thankfully she takes after Going-Mom, just kidding pal. Next time though need a disclaimer if you are posting topless my therapist will high jack your blog! Ok I’m done with dumb jokes and now going to read all these posts.
No kidding, they are back now and we get hissed out every day on our walk! And they crap EVERYWHERE!
I remember the “scared” parenting days like it was just…oh, wait, it was just a few months ago. Or are we still scared? Ahhh, who knows?! Thanks for the good laugh about getting in your car when Sloane was still in her crib. Better than if she was in the car alone! Hope you enjoy looking back at your pictures if you end up getting them out.
Thanks for the kind words about Avery, and no worries about taking after her Mom, that’s a good thing. Well, for some parts at least….
Sorry about the partial nudity, it happens a lot here in Texas. I just don’t like sweaty shirts, so having no shirt = problem solved!