Bonus points when the ones I tell make others smile. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, but I never let it stop me or get me down. I only hope Avery enjoys by corny jokes as she gets older. She’ll eventually reach the age where it’s embarrassing, which means I’ll probably just increase my joke telling. That’s what dads do, right?
Before I share my five fun puns for today, here’s a picture that encompasses my intense determination and motivation to hold nutrition, and therefore health, to the highest standards in our home.
Probably no surprise, huh? Of course there’s my mom (G-Ma) and all family from both sides, but these two girls are the ones I feed daily and make sure I feed them right! Plus, with their smiles, I couldn’t imagine having anything but the best for all of us when it comes to nutrition and our health in general.
To accept sub-par food to go into our bodies would be failing the ones near and dear to me. And how could I ever let this little girl down?
Okay, I’m getting caught up again, sorry. But can you blame me? I don’t think so!
Now here are my five fun puns compliments of Pinterest. Have a great Friday and weekend!
Love that last one! Okay, love them all, that’s why they’re on here!
Here’s another pun-tastic post I published several months ago if you’d like to keep the laughing (or ugghhh-ing) going – Going Dad’ Top 10 Pinterest Picks: That’s Punny
Do you have a picture that gives you motivation to stay healthy and feed your family nutritious food?
Are you a pun-loving person like me or do you despise them?
Judging by going mom and Avery you better start stockpiling weaponry and forget the puns. Long days for us in the future I’ll let you know how it goes since Sloane will be their first. Why did we get blessed with beautiful daughters.
I’ve already got the weaponry part covered. Being from Texas and all….you know. 😉
I have no idea how we got blessed with our beautiful girls, but lets make sure we hold on to them forever!
Ha. I love a great pun myself. The more my kids get aggravated the more I tell them 🙂 Actually they aren’t really old enough to get aggravated, but my wife can throw a mean eye-roll my way. lol
Ah yes, I know that eye-roll! I’m sure pun-telling-dads all over know that look! 🙂
Thanks for visiting and commenting man, always nice to see other dads enjoying a good (or not so good) pun!