Mommy and Daddy have been really busy lately and haven’t made time to learn how to use this fine piece of battery powered machinery. I’m not sure why they’re so busy, but something about watching The Walking Dad. I don’t know what’s so great about that, I walk with Dad every day and it’s nothing spectacular.
Anyway, I’ve taken it upon myself to learn how to operate the EGO so I can explain it to Daddy. Turns out, this mower, while highly futuristic and cool looking, is quite simple to use. Not to mention just fun to look at it’s fine lines…..and buttons!
Obviously, the coolest button of them all is for the LED headlights! How many other push mowers have those? Seriously, I don’t know, I’m asking.
Daddy looked lost when I turned the lights on, so I had to show him a few times. First, they are off….
….and then, viola, you push this button and they’re on!
It doesn’t take a button scientist to figure that one out, geez, Dad!
Now that we have the lights figured out, all you need to do is simply push the 56-volt lithium ion battery, only the most powerful battery in the industry, into its compartment until it clicks securely in place.
With the handles unfolded, you take the key to…..what?….yes, that one, Dad.
Ahhh, just look at the provided instructions, Dad, they’re pictures so you should catch on rather quick.
Got it? Good. Once it’s running, just start pushing!
What? Seriously?! No, not over the pavement! Push it over to the grass, you know, the stuff lawn mowers cut.
See that green stuff, Dad? That’s the grass. Do I need to do the first run through for you?
Here, I’ll start since you look confused.
Your turn now. There you go, Dad, good job!
See, that only took 20 minutes for the front and back. Gotta love that 20 inch deck! Now, how about you push me on my tricycle with the extra time we have?
Phew, teaching parents is hard work! I might be exhausted, but I’m still cute.
Disclosure: The EGO team sent Daddy their powerful, battery powered, and 20% less noisy-than-gas mower to review free of charge. All thoughts and opinions express here are his (or my) own. I like the lights!
Send Avery up north to Indiana so she can mow my yard. She seems to have a knack for it already. That thing looks cool like something Luke Skywalker would be mowing his grass with!
I’ll make sure to send her up soon, just make sure Sloane teaches her a few things about being “older”. Who knows, maybe Luke does mow his grass with it!