I almost decided not to go after tearing our house apart for the boxes of ammo I know we have, but figured I could use a little shooting therapy. Besides, I could buy ammo at the store on the range anyway. It’s expensive, but if I ever find my other ammo, we’ll be well stocked for the pending zombie apocalypse!
We’ve watched enough of The Walking Dead, to know that it’s better to be safe than sorry, so I’m thinking it’s time to get my concealed carry permit. The best place to get your permit to be ready for the zombies is at https://gunlawsuits.org/gun-laws/maryland/concealed-carry/. And hey, the gun range was even selling zombie targets, so why not get a little practice in? I think the zombie kind of looks like Obama, but not sure. What do you think?
With me, I brought a .243 rifle, semi-auto .45 Colt ACP, long barrel .45 Smith & Wesson revolver, and a little semi-auto Colt .22. Of course I had to share my “therapy session” on social media because…blogging.
Of the three handguns I brought, the revolver is my favorite. It’s accurate, less chance of a malfunction, and just looks damn good.
I’ve been around guns and hunting my entire life, so don’t think I’m just some crazy guy who has guns for no good reason. Hunting hasn’t happened in years, but I am wanting to make a trip to go deer hunting and provide my family with wild meat for us to eat. Hey, I rhymed!
The range I went to was outdoors and had an area for handguns as well as for rifles. I had to make many trips back and forth to my car, but made use of both areas since I had both guns. First, I went through rounds with each of my handguns.
That smaller target with a body profile and two red circles was mine. I only used the .45’s for practice since, lets be honest, there’s no way in hell I’d depend on a .22 to defend my sweet wife and daughter should the need arise. It was only 25 yards, but I feel pretty good about my aim with both the revolver and semi-auto.
Zombies (and real life threats), beware, I apparently take no prisoners! Feeling good with the handguns, I moved on to the .243. I just got this gun back from my ex-step-dad (long story) thanks to my mom and little brother, so it’s been a while since I used it.
This rifle has killed several deer back in my hunting days, so I was hoping the scope was still sighted in correctly. Well, you can hope in one hand and crap in the other and you usually only end up with a lot of crap. Luckily, I refrained from the latter since the scope was not totally up to par.
While two of the shots might of maimed a zombie, they do not instill enough confidence in me. Plus, I was aiming at the forehead, so I have some scope adjusting to do.
The gun range is a great places to “blow off” some steam as long as you are well aware on how to handle a gun. I hope to bring my wife back out there sometime just to get her more comfortable around firearms and be able to use them if she ever needs to. Hopefully never though!
With the price of admission and for ammo, going to the range is probably on par with a therapy session anyway, but I’d much rather shoot things than sit on a chair and talk. I came home with my targets to show my mom (G-Ma), Kelley, and Avery. They just said the zombie looked like Obama; go figure.
Do you or have you used guns before?
Have you ever hunted?
How do you feel about owning firearms?
Isn’t it the law in Texas that you have to own a gun? With as cute as Avery is I would stockpile a small armory to ward off any “boys” when she gets older.
You know, I think it might be a law. 🙂
Yes, I’ll have to make it clear to all boys that enter Avery’s life that her dad has guns and WILL use them if necessary!
I shot guns for the first time in my life back in January. Tried out a big range of guns from .22 handguns and rifles, 9mm, 45s, all the way up to a SCAR Mk17. It was a lot of fun and definitely therapeutic.
However, I don’t see a need for me personally to own a gun. And I know my wife is very against having one in the house. That being said, I have no problem with others owning guns, and fully intend to tag along when my friends go to the range this summer.
Wow, you’ve definitely had your “rounds” with trying guns! It truly is a great stress reliever, but I understand not owning them as well. Since I plan on hunting again, it makes sense anyway. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reading!