I recently signed up for and was accepted to participate in a paid campaign that I ended up turning down. I won’t go into details since I have full respect with the entities working with the brand, but if I were to take part, it would’ve taken a huge bite out of my integrity.
I politely declined the offer I selfishly signed up, apologizing for wasting time, and luckily there were no hard feelings, but I still felt bad for even putting myself out there in the first place. It was related to food, something I obviously have strong feelings about, and required me to buy some products. Anyway, nothing about it lined up with what I preach on nutrition, so I am just thankful there are no hard feelings.
But this made me think back to my original intention of even blogging in the first place. When I started, and even in my About page, I state how this blog is to detail my journey as a stay-at-home dad to Avery. I also mentioned that I’ll post on various topics related to healthy and fitness, which I have and do.
Along the way, I’ve been honored to have the opportunity for several great product reviews and become ambassador for a healthy food company, NuttZo, and awesome made-in-the USA minimal shoes, Soft Star Shotes. The products I reviewed and the companies I promote should all reflect my true beliefs, and so far they have. Now I just need to keep it that way!
There are times when I feel lost without a direction on where to go, in life and just in terms of blogging, but only because I over think everything. I stress about what I should make my hard-working wife for dinner each day even though she’s completely happy with black beans, sweet potato and steamed veggies……..and goat cheese of course. And then I get worked up on if I should use a freakin’ plate or bowl. C’mon, really, R.C.?!
Luckily, I have many friends in the blog-o-sphere that can relate and we are able to support each other as well as love from my friends and family around me. Especially my wife who is always supportive and helps keep me in check.
I’m always thinking when going on one of my several daily walks and I try to figure out just what direction to take the blog and future self. But that’s dumb. I have the most adorable little girl with me every day that I get to hang out with and raise to be a strong, healthy person who loves her Mommy and Daddy. That’s my #1 thing; period.
Blogging is and always will be a part of me, though, so it’s time to find a better way to keep true to my roots and not become a slave to what should be my solace.
I will still blog to my heart’s content on my views of health, fitness, and everything between, but want to try to keep it about the daily happenings here at home. I bring Avery to workout with me in the garage almost every day, and want to share that since each time should be cherished.
This blog is meant to be something I can look back on with my family and say “Oh yeah, I remember when we used to do that.” and smile. But no more treating this blog like a job I have to go to, that’s dumb.
There will always be a question of what I should write about, that goes with the territory, but at least I know to keep it simple and just write about life. So, to those reading, thank you, I hope you continue to enjoy the content I churn out and know that it’s my true feelings, campaign or not, all the time.
I’ll still participate in campaigns because we could all use a little extra cash and I have a dream car to save up for.
Kidding, I’ll have to win the lotto or find a high-paying job before I get another car. Since I don’t play the lotto and enjoy being and at-home dad too much, guess it will have to wait. It’s nice to look at though.
But then again, this is world’s better!
Look, she’s already wanting to help me bake something! Add my beautiful wife in the picture and that’s really all I need.
Again, thanks to all who read and hope you have a great week. See you soon to talk about what recently happened in the “Going” household. Hey, my butt is almost better! Cool, huh?
Do you ever get too wound up worrying over things that you should never fret about?
How do you manage stress? Or do you?
Hell yes, this is most refreshing! I think all of us get to caught up in promotions and forget why the hell we began blogging in the first place. It’s nice to do reviews and get free stuff and maybe make a little bit of money while doing so, but straying from the course and treating it like a job is completely stupid. Kudos to you for maintaining integrity!
Thanks man! It’s something I have to remind myself almost daily, but makes so much sense! The main thing is enjoying our life with friends and family and that should always be top priority.
Over thinking is the worst! It is so easy to say we won;t do it, yet so hard to practice. You seem to have your priorities in order, so that should help! #BigTopBlogParty
Yes it is! Thanks for stopping by!
You’re a good man RC, I turned down a few offers recently because I didn’t feel they lined up with what my blog was about. Initially I almost felt bad saying no, but in the end I felt I made the right decision for me.
I never started my blog to chronicle my life but to write stories and other junk that I thought people would enjoy. And I do it because I enjoy it, if it ever starts to feel like a job (unless I’m making money off it like it’s a real job) I’ll probably walk away or cut back. And the blog certainly can’t cut into my time with my family.
Great post buddy. I voted for you too!
Hey Mike, thank you for the compliment. I agree, in the end, we shouldn’t feel bad for holding on to our integrity.
You know, over time, I’ve found I enjoy posting stories/jokes/other content I find on my blog too. While it’s not exactly what’s going on in our life at the time, I do enjoy it, so I see where you’re coming from.
Thanks for the vote, and you’re a good man too!
Hey R.C. I totally get where you are coming from in this post. I have turned down a few product reviews myself. The worst part is that I’m totally and completely burnt out with blogging because somehow somewhere I forgot why I started my blog and have treated it like it was a job and like I’d get fired if I didn’t do this or that. I’m trying to find my way back to my blog hopefully I’ll get there soon!
Oh and the whole overthinking things is the absolute worst!! I do it CONSTANTLY and if it weren’t for my husband and my best friend who bring me back to reality I’d be a wreck! LOL I also have OCD so that doesn’t help matters AT ALL! Thankfully I’m a natural blonde so A LOT just flies right over my head. Hahaha!
Thanks for being the AWESOMELY AMAZING stand-up guy that you are! I enjoy reading your blog and your updates on that precious little girl of yours Avery. I may not always comment but I do read your blog on a regular basis! I look forward to seeing much more about your adventures as a stay-at-home dad!
Wishing you a beautiful day!
Much love,
Lysa xx
Hi Lysa! Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words! It’s a constant struggle as I always feel like I “must” accept offers, but I’d like to think I’m getting better at managing. 🙂
It means a lot to know someone else that understands is out there and even better that you read my blog AND enjoy it! Likewise for your blog too, you crack me up how all over the place you are for some posts!
Wish you the same for a beautiful day and rockin’ weekend!
Hey R.C.,
You are so very welcome. It is a constant struggle being a blogger as there are no real rules and it all depends on each individual blogger. It’s hard to not get caught up in all of the stats and reviews and sponsored posts, etc. That’s where I met my demise I think. I became so wrapped up in my stats that I pushed myself to do better and to do more and more to the point I wasn’t even writing anymore. And that is the whole reason I started my blog in the first place. Somewhere for me to have an outlet for my writing again so that I would write again… JEEZ!!
Yes I do totally understand and I DO read AND enjoy your blog! Awwww! Thank you for the compliment on my blog you are too kind sir. 😀 It’s nice to hear that people like my blog as I often wonder. LOL There I go overthinking yet again! 😉
Yeah, I don’t even realize it when I’m writing or editing how all over the place I can be at times and I use to read my posts out loud and I’d be able to catch some of it but not so much these days as you can tell. I have had a lot weighing on my mind but in all reality I honestly can’t help but to be all over the place because well… That is just how my brain works it’s always going in different directions at 100 MPH and has all my life. I have ADHD, OCD, and PTSD with severe Anxiety so I’m totally screwed! Now you know where the overthinking comes from!
Okay enough of my rambling wow guess I wrote you a mini-book! Sorry! :/ Thanks for the wishes for my day and the weekend. We have had really bad thunderstorms all day long so I’m hoping it clears up a bit. The thunder woke me up several times and a bunch of houses were burning all over the valley this morning from being struck by lightning. Craziest thing ever!
Okay I’m stopping the rambling… NOW! tee hee!
Much love,
Lysa xx
Ha ha, no worries on the novel, it only proves the fact that you have so much going on in your head! I feel that way most of the time myself and that’s why I am always up late. I’m not diagnosed with anything, but I know stress is what caused fertility issues for us before we had Avery. I wrote a post about our IVF process and luckily everything turned out great; as you can see. 🙂
I have a feeling we’ll “see” a lot of each other on our blogs, so if you ever need support or just something to talk/type to, don’t hesitate to reach out! There’s a song I love and part of the lyrics say “Life is whatever you think it is, so what do you think this is?” I love the saying and it keeps things in perspective for me in that I know I can control my happiness simply by just enjoying each day more….the simple things. Anyway, as I write this Avery is pulling my shorts down and wanting to read, so I’m going to do just that. See you around!!!