Speaking of time travel, I would start by going back to when I wrote my post from yesterday. Yeah, I’m an idiot dummy supreme asshole for referring to something about many of my kind and undeserving neighbors. I have since removed it and there’s no need to bring it up again, but just know I’m basically king asshole in asshole land and wish I could take it all back.
It only took one of my neighbors to call me out about it and as I reread the post, I developed that dreaded lump in the throat feeling of major shame. And my wife is on their side, she let me know how much of an ass I am too. Sometimes, we need others to let us know when we’ve done wrong, and this is one of those times for me.
So, to all of my neighbors, I truly and deeply am sorry for my words and ask that you please forgive me. I love our close-knit community and would hate to be shunned from hanging out with you. I’ll say it again, I am sorry and if there anything I can do to make it up to you, please tell me. Even if it’s some sort of public humiliation, I’ll do it…….to an extent. Hell, I bet Kelley would even bring the camera to post it all over social media. Whatever it takes, I just want to keep our friends!
I can’t shake this guilty conscience and it’s weighing heavy on my mind. Times like these I find solace in looking at the countless pictures of Avery from the past to present. I started wayyyy back to a year ago, but it’s crazy how much she’s changed since just the beginning of 2015.
Yeah yeah, kids grow, blah blah, I know, but it never ceases to amaze me just how much and how fast. So I went through each month of 2015 thus far and found a pic to share. Enjoy!

600 photos from January and I wanted to post them all, so I just pointed my mouse on one and clicked.

Only a little over 400 pics this month, but figured I’d keep with the chair theme.

No chair this time, but we did go back up to 500+ pictures. Her curls are starting to appear this month.

We put my childhood boots on her and caught a few good pics. We need to do this again soon. 470 pics this month.

We really slacked last month with only 315 pics. Geez, are we bad parents or what?

Only 61 pics so far, but we have plenty of days left in the month. Her eyes are so beautiful and they just really stand out here.
I can’t imagine what another 6 months will do for her growth, but I’m not rushing anything. Of course, it would be nice if she’d just tell us when she poops!
One more time. Neighbors, I apologize and hope you’ll still greet me with a smile and wave when we see each other. Please, if anything, let me know how to earn your forgiveness.
Have you ever said something you immediately wished you could take back? How did you handle it if so?
Do you look back at pictures month-by-month to see how much your little one or ones has grown?
Just when your ass was healing you had to go stick your foot straight up it! I’m sure you are still welcome in the neighborhood reindeer games, you will just have to dress up with the shiny red nose for awhile. Avery adorable as ever, look forward to seeing her grow in the next six months also!
Yeah, I suck. I have been forgiven and just need to keep my damn mouth shut! Hell, guess that would save me from a lot of arguments with Kelley too! Thanks for the compliments, I’m sure you’ll get to see our crazy kid 6 months and even years from now! Unless I do something to piss you off…..
Eek, I hope the neighbours forgive you! I managed to upset our neighbours by moaning about their dog barking all night and was impressed with how they’d kept her quiet that night … poor little pooch had gone to doggy heaven! I felt such an ass and bought them a rose bush. They still talk to us, they just don’t invite me and the boyfriend to their bbqs anymore! :/ whoops … the roses look amazing though!
Oooo, that’s a sad story, but I bet those roses don’t keep you up at night! 🙂
Thanks for your comments, I think I’ve been forgiven, but have to give it time to see about the bbq invites.