In the mornings, as Going Mom is getting ready for work, Avery hardly cares what I’m doing and wants to spend all of her time “helping” Mommy as she tries to get ready. Sometimes Nuttzo and banana helps deter her, but when the hair dryer comes on, she’s gone.
I feel bad when the only thing to do is just shut the doors to keep Avery from going in to throw everything out and tug at my wife as she tries to get ready, and I know it hurts Kelley too. Even though I know it’s all phase (isn’t everything, really?), it hurts me too when she could care less about Dad when Mom is around.
This really only happens in the morning, but still, no parent would like the feeling I’m sure. I could babble on, but today’s picture was captured just after Kelley left for work and Avery was crying for attention. She doesn’t cry when my wife leaves, just while she’s there.
She gets over things quickly and we usually have a fairly good day, minus the crazy toddler part, but seeing the tear just makes things so dramatic. Besides the drama, I love the photo, and of course her beautiful blue eyes.
Does your kid go through phases of liking one parent over the other?
Oh bless her, she’s ever so photogenic! Such a cutie
Thanks, Vicky! Her blue eyes stop me in my tracks every time, which means I stop a lot! 🙂
All children go through this, sweet teary photo
Thank you for linking up
Thanks for the reassurance, Darren. Happy to be a part of #MySundayPhoto as always!
Terrible twos is a myth, Just wait until she hits three. Keep the scotch around! She’s even more adorable upset. Hang in there she will grow out of it soon enough.
It’s only a myth because terrible twos start at one! Forget scotch, I just need to suck it up and “get my hands dirty” with experience. Okay, maybe a little scotch or vodka…..
They all go through their phases. My littlest is current obsessed with daddy. Follows him around everywhere wanting to be held by him. Spends all day with me saying “dad dad dad dad”. I try not to take it personally, but it stings sometimes.
I guess both parents get their “glory days” eventually, huh? Like you, I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes still does. Just a part of parenting I guess!
IUts hard isnt it. You try to say that its just a cry but when you look at your child’s eye your heart just breaks.
I know, that cry is hard to turn your head from! Thanks for stopping by, Merlinda!
Oh she is such a pretty girl even when she is crying! They all go through this phases. I actually don’t think it will never stop as there is always something going on (my 5 years old still has lots of tantrums!!) LOL xx #MySundayPhoto
Thanks for the complements, but no thanks for letting me know we have a few more years. Ahhh, who am I kidding, guess I can’t take the “kill the messenger” approach. Hope your 5 year old gets out of the phase soon!