Pinterest takes all of the credit (along with too much time from my day!) for what I’m sharing here. They are all things I’ve Pinned on my boards, so you know they’re Going Dad Approved. So obviously you know they’re great corny. Enjoy!
Fun Facts


I always enjoy having my wife for an extra day, and I know she loves more playtime with Avery. Plus, G-Ma will be coming over on Monday so hopefully we’ll all have a great time! No big Labor Day plans, just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.
Have a great weekend and Labor Day if you’re celebrating!
Any big plans for the weekend, or just kicking back and relaxing?
Who knew a burger had less calories than a salad from McDonalds?
Well, not surprising when it’s from McD’s. The dressing is the obvious culprit…….and croutons and cheese, and, well it’s all crap!