In Mary Katherine from SNL style – Superstar Smart!
Tricky, because, well, she’s figuring out how to delay things at night when it’s bedtime, and how to use her cuteness to get her way.

But make no mistake, Going Mom and I are not complaining. We couldn’t be me happy to see how our little girl is growing physically and intellectually. But also make no mistake, it drives us insane at times!
Mainly, the nighttime toddler delay tactics. She has this thing where she likes to do a “jump” into her pajamas after bathtime, so Mommy will let her jump once, but then she says “Again”, and she goes again. But two is not enough, and she’ll continue going until one of us makes her stop. Some nights, she’ll accept it, other nights, you’d think she’s auditioning for an opera.
Then, we normally only read one book, but now she turns on the bottom lip to try and delay the inevitable; sleep! Well, at least going into her crib. We had a nice few weeks of an easy transition from putting her in the crib and she’d go to sleep soon after, or at least not throw a fit. But now, WOW, this girl makes her demon days look like a cute and cuddly kitten!
When her screams aren’t radiating throughout the house, she’ll pace around her crib and talk to herself. We consider this much better than the alternative, and even nice to see how her brain has developed. Just listen to her talk amongst herself to decide if she wants the blue plate or pink plate tonight.
Saying “Blue plate tonight” has become the majority of our daily conversations. I ask her if she wants water, it’s “Blue plate tonight”.
Me: Did you go poop?
Avery: Blue plate tonight.
Me: Do you want to go for a walk to see the moon tonight?
Avery: Blue plate tonight.
Me: *Silence*
Avery: Blue plate tonight, blue plate tonight, bluuuuueee plate toniiiiiight!
You get the drift.
Don’t get me wrong, she says more than Blue plate tonight, but those three words are repeated all day long. Other popular phrases are:
- Crazy football
- See you tomorrow, goat cheese. (Now she says “See you tomorrow, blue plate”)
- More goat cheese. Please, goat cheese.
- The moon’s a coming.
- Biceps and triceps.
- Clean the boo-boo on the butt.
- The light’s on!
- I’m a crazy Avery.
I could go on with a few more, but these are the ones that stand out right now. Needless to say, this girl truly is crazy, and we’re loving how much fun (usually) she is.
With the increased fun/craziness, means decreased blog posts, or at least shorter in length. Naps are becoming scarce and I’m keeping busy with other things. But don’t worry, I’ll be around to post updates when possible and even share product reviews, workout ideas, and maybe even recipes.
Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season so far with more good times ahead! Oh, and here, Avery wanted to say bye-bye with Lamby.
The bedtime stall tactics just get more and more sophisticated as they get older! Just wait until she is potty trained!
I know, it’s like she’s learning new tactics every day. We can’t keep up!