The Chabee Outfitters Diaper Bag: The Toughest Bag Around

The diaper bag as we know it has forever changed with the rise of involved and stay-at-home dads. Since most of us dads don’t want bags designed for moms with compartments for yoga pants or other feminine items, we appreciate having bags made just for us. Bonus points when they’re made by us too!
chabee diaper bag
Use promo code RCL for 15% on a bag of your own!

That’s exactly what stay-at-home dad Jesse Andrist set out to do when he created Chabee Outfitters. As an involved dad to three, Jesse knows the important role of being “dad” and he wanted to reflect that in Chabee. With fathers all around seeing a product made just for them, it is Jesse’s hope that this will help solidify their significance.

With the good looks and rugged nature of his messenger-style bag, I’d say he’s doing just that. When I received the bag, I could tell the heavy duty materials, all hand-crafted in the USA, would easily last long enough through several kids, and if something needed a little fixing, lucky for you, Chabee offers Free Repairs for Life!

With that kind of guarantee, a dad could give the same bag to his kid when he’s all grown up with kids of his own. Even if you have a daughter, I’m sure they’ll fully appreciate the look and style. Avery has already been practicing how she’ll tote it around.


To look at it, you’d never know it’s a diaper bag, which means it won’t end up in the attic with the other baby items that have no more use. The changing pad is conveniently attached and folds out from the inside.


This is helpful to me since other bags I’ve used that have a removeable pad means keeping track on one more thing and always fighting to cram it back when as I rush to get everything packed. And hey, a comfy leather pad will practically have your kids happy to climb on for a change.


As long as they’re not 14 and still climbing on, this is a very good thing!

There are not many storage compartments compared to most diaper bags, but that’s what I like, it’s simple. The pockets are plenty deep and provide plenty of space for the average guy (yes, even ladies too!) to fit what he and his kids need.


I won’t lie, when carrying the Chabee Diaper Bag around, I felt a sense of pride and kept wanting to have another dad ask about it just so I could show it off. But the “Made in USA” leather badge basically shows it off for me.

DSC_1008While there are many diaper bags out there that do their job and do it well, Chabee offers one you can use for years after your little one is not so little anymore. It will easily fit books, laptops, tools, or many other non-diaper items, and will hold up to the job with its tough construction.

Since I only have one sweet little girl to carry stuff around for, this bag is perfect for the two of us. This bag is a perfect gift for the soon-to-be or new father, so be sure to check out Chabee’s website to learn more and keep up to date with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

For all of my readers, you can get your own Chabee Outfitters Diaper Bag for 15% off using promo code RCL when you checkout. The code is good until 12/31/15. Help support Jesse’s new company and get something that will last generations at the same time!

I’ll end with a quote from their About Us page explaining the name which I think adds to the uniqueness of this business and one I’m proud to get behind to share with others.

Chabee is a mash up of the words “change” and “be”. The name was formed to encompass the beautiful Gandhi quote “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Have you heard of or seen Chabee before?

Are you interested in getting a bag for yourself or someone you know?

Disclosure: Chabee provided their bag free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are strictly my own.

Our Crazy Awesome Future in Blogging

When I first started blogging, it was for Just Add Cayenne , where I went about sharing my life along with healthy recipes, fitness tips, and other health related topics fit in. Then I started this crazy awesome blog, Going Dad (I won’t deny that I’m biased), to basically do the same thing.


But instead of life as an accountant who really really really is into health and fitness, I shared life as a stay-at-home dad wanting to have a way to capture life as my daughter, Avery, and wife, Kelley, all learn and grow together.

I’ve enjoyed writing about all of the memories we’ve already had in just the 2 years of Avery’s life, but I’ve also been trying too hard to write about everything which is becoming increasingly hard. This little girl is doing more than I can keep up with to gather and share on the blog anymore. Even she’s getting tired of my usual memory “tracking” method.

Normally, I jot down the things she does/says on random pieces of paper I have around the house, but it got to where I was trying to write down something new every other minute. Which meant I was totally losing track of just enjoying the freaking moment/entire day!

I could go on, but I’m sure you get the drift. So, here’s my new plan for the blog….

As Avery gets older and can actually communicate with real words, I’d like to have her help to do product/service reviews. I will also do reviews that only parents/health-minded people would be into since I obviously take a major interest in the health and fitness world.

Why should you, the reader care if all you want is to see our darling daughter and hear what she’s been up to? Well, hopefully you’ll find what I review of good use in your life and you’ll gain insight on things you may never have known existed otherwise.

I’ve already performed several reviews on here, but now I can focus on doing more. In addition, I plan on sharing recipes I create, workouts I love or put together, healthy lifestyle hacks, or just favorite foods you can buy online. Yes, that means I’ll have more affiliate links that will earn me a whopping few cents if you click on them.

I have nothing to hide, I’m hoping to earn a little extra cash if possible because, lets face it, we could all use more. Right?

This most likely means less blog posts, but I do enjoy sharing random facts/funny things I find entertaining, so be on the lookout there. Damn Pinterest really knows how to suck you in, and before you know, you have eleventy-billion new pins when all you wanted was a picture of a cat!

On the topic of social media such as Pinterest, I’ll still be sharing plenty of life happenings with Avery and my wife on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so be sure to follow these if you don’t already to keep up to date if you care. Seriously, why wouldn’t you  want to see this crazy-haired cute kid?

If you’re some creepy guy, I’d rather you not, but I hope everyone else will follow along and will find what I have to offer useful. Be on the lookout for reviews covering a multitude of things from items for kids and parents, to anything surrounding the world of health and fitness. Just know, I WILL NOT try products I feel are not safe or worth even using, and will give my honest opinion on what I do try.

As the days, weeks, and months pass, I’ll be making updates to the looks and other aspects on here, so check back often. Please?

What do you think of this new blogging approach?

Is there anything you’d personally like to see reviewed first?

Polo Sport by Ralph Lauren: My Top 5 Fitness Apparel Picks

This post is sponsored by Vocalpoint and Dick’s Sporting Goods. All opinions are my own.

When it comes to shopping for all things sports and fitness related, it’s a good idea to choose a sporting goods store that is truly passionate about what they sell. At DICK’s Sporting Goods®, you’ll find just that, along with excellent service and great prices on name brand equipment, apparel, and accessories. From gym-sized exercise equipment to fishing lures, DICK’s has the quality products you need and want. So, it should come as no surprise that they now carry Polo Sport® by Ralph Lauren, a new collection of men’s activewear.

Found in select DICK’s Sporting Goods locations, I ventured to the nearby DICK’s at The Parks in Arlington, TX to treat myself to a few of the new Polo Sport items. I thought it might be hard to navigate my way to find where Polo Sport was located within the large sporting goods retailer, but it was hard to miss the bold sign proclaiming its presence.

Ralph Lauren Polo Sport

I’m just glad I didn’t have to stop and ask this guy. I think he was in the middle of auditioning for Iron Mannequin.

Ralph Lauren Polo Sport, fitness

Hey, I claim to love puns, but never said I’m good at them!

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The layout was filled with activewear designed for top notch looks and performance in the cold or heat. The cold weather gear was tempting, but I find myself indoors or in a heated garage since Avery is usually with me when working out, so I gravitated towards the shorts and short sleeved shirts.

I found plenty of items I wanted to take home, but lets face it, spending a lot on myself right before Christmas would just be wrong. Obviously, I can wait to return that scratchy wool sweater from Aunt Sally and then go back to buy more! 😉

With the approaching holiday in mind, I narrowed my selection to 5 favorite fitness apparel items to bring home and start “playing” with right away. Having had the chance to wear and workout in my chosen items, I figured I’d share my top 5 with you.

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  1. Polo Sport Men’s Performance Jersey T-Shirt – This is my new favorite shirt. I love the deep blue color and the comfortable fit allows me to move as it keeps me cool for the indoor workouts I’ve been doing lately. Not covering our floors in sweat is vital to stay in good standing with the wife too!
  2. Polo Sport Men’s Performance Jersey Long Sleeve Shirt – Same as the T-Shirt but with long sleeves, I like having this for when I venture outside and it’s actually cold here in North Texas. Right now it’s been in the 70’s so I still wear my T-Shirt when going out for a run/walk/playground time.
  3. Polo Sport Men’s Tech Fleece Hoodie – Even as a lover of heat, there’s just something I enjoy about a good hoodie, and Polo Sport got it right with this one. When I can wear winter clothes that won’t interfere with my chosen workout for the day, well, that’s just awesome. Somehow, this comfy hoodie manages to keep me feeling warm and doesn’t get in the way of doing back squats and kettlebell swings in a cold garage when the heater stops working.Polo-Sport-Ralph-Lauren-Hat-Close-Up
  4. Polo Sport Men’s Stretch-Fit Performance Cap – My big noggin usually will not accommodate anything but the hair growing out of it, but after trying on this hat, I’m willing to reconsider. It’s designed for ultimate performance during intense workouts, but I like just having a hat I actually enjoy wearing. Polo-Sport-Ralph-Lauren-Hat-2Yes, so much so that I even take smiling selfies of myself with it on. Ralph Lauren Polo Sport, activewear, fitness
  5. Polo Sport Men’s Jersey Active 10” Shorts – Helllloooo, comfort! I’m extremely peculiar about having good shorts, and when I find a pair I like, I’ll wash them every day just so I can keep wearing them. Just a pull of the drawstring gives me a custom fit and their moisture-wicking fabric keeps me dry and stench free. Not to mention the 10″ inseam protects from any “exposure issues” when working out. All good things for something who likes to use the rower.


Bonus points for being able to right to playtime after an intense workout and not smelling or dripping sweat like a wet dog. Avery appreciates it.


Any or all of these would make a great gift someone you know or for yourself. Hey, only you really know what you want, right? With color options ranging from light colors like Andover Heather or Pure White, dark colors like Pacific Blue (my favorite!), and vibrant colors like Shocking Orange, there’s plenty of options to suit any taste.

Polo-Sport-Ralph-Lauren-Shirt-and-Shorts, fitness

Looking to buy some nice activewear for the man in your life? Polo Sport has what you need to keep him looking good and maybe even motivated to stay in shape. Win-win!

Motivation comes in many forms, and what you wear definitely plays a big role in your desire to get up and MOVE! Polo Sport has just what any fitness-minded guy would love, so head over to DICK’s Sporting Goods or visit online by clicking here.