What Happens When You Ask Your Toddler Not To Whine?

Just had to share this with you today. Our toddler daughter has a habit of honing in on us and asking to be picked up. Daddy doesn’t get the whiny request as much as mommy, but it’s usually when my wife and I are trying to have a discussion. Such is life with a toddler, huh?
toddler, funny, humor, cute, parenting
Helllllloooooo, is anybody paying attention to me?!

Lately, we’ve been telling her not to whine when asking for “Please mommy, up.” and trying to teach her to say please and thank you. She’s usually good at using manners, but we happened to catch a different response that, technically, isn’t wrong.

Now that she knows it’s cute and sees mommy and daddy getting a kick out of it, she does it all the time. And, well, it’s hard not to just laugh and accept our deep-voiced daughter.

If we could manage, I’d love to share her request for more goat cheese, green smoothie, or anything else in this low tone. Maybe we shouldn’t feed her sarcastic tendencies, but it’s just so hard to resist!

Have you ever had your kid respond in a way you weren’t meaning but was still correct as a technicality?

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