How to Make a Ponytail with a Vacuum

I remember when I first saw a video of a dad putting his daughter’s hair in a ponytail. Avery was still a baby with no hair for me to try this awesome method out for myself.

vacuum ponytail, hairstyle, kids, parenting, daddy, toddler
Keep. The. Vacuum. Away!

Fast forward to today and she has plenty of crazy hair to vacuum. Going Mom is much better at the everyday, normal way of putting her hair in a ponytail, but my clumsy hands simply will not allow this. Luckily, I have the power of the vacuum on my side!

Here’s my demo of how to use the vacuum to put hair up in a ponytail:

An added benefit from this method is that any bugs or dirt get sucked up from her hair too. Hopefully she has none of that, but you never know. I’m just glad she’s so accepting of having a vacuum sucking up her hair as daddy tugs and twists in an effort to “style” the crazy curls.

Have you tried an out-of-the-norm method for styling hair?

What do you think about this vacuum method? 22 Billion Combos of Healthy Oatmeal

This is going to take a while, I thought to myself after seeing there are 22 billion combinations of 100% Natural, Non-GMO, and Gluten Free oatmeal just waiting for me to create and have made to order on, oatmeal, healthy, breakfast, non-gmo

The founders of, Anthony and Kathy Collova, are health-minded, family focused, and down to earth people. Through their growing business, they donate bags of healthy oatmeal to non-profit organizations and seek out ways to enrich communities everywhere. Obviously, they care, a lot, and I was excited when given the opportunity to create my own custom mix of oatmeal as well as PB Lean (peanut butter powder) to review.

There are 10 steps in creating your custom oatmeal blend:

  1. The size of the bag (1lb, 2.25lbs, or 4lbs)
  2. Type of oats (Naturally gluten free, Non-GMO oats)
  3. Flavors (100% Natural, Vegan, Gluten Free & Non-GMO)
  4. Fruits (Low Moisture, Gluten Free & Perfect for Oatmeal)
  5. Nuts, seeds, and more
  6. Protein
  7. Sweetener
  8. Spices and exotic powders
  9. Shipping frequency
  10. Name your oatmeal

Creating the PB Lean blend is the same except that the step where you pick nuts, seeds, and more is left out.

The first step where you choose from 6 different oat blends proved tasking enough, but the next step was easily hardest.

oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast

I have difficulty deciding whether to use a fork or spoon and if I should eat from a plate or bowl, so the option to pick up to 3 of these flavors was pure torture! Torture that’s totally worth the struggle! By the way, I now use a spork at every meal (seriously) and have decided bowls are always the way to go for me.

Besides my analysis paralysis, the complete ordering process is rather simple and kind of fun. After naming your blend, employees will create your order and ship it right to you to quickly hide from your family and keep for yourself open and enjoy with your friends and family. I created several small bags of oatmeal and PB Lean blends in an effort to try as many flavors as I could.

oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast

One of my favorite parts of the process is that the nutrition facts and ingredients for your order are shown. For anyone keeping track of their macros or simply want to know the breakdown of their food, this is an awesome feature! Here’s what my bag of oatmeal I named “The S’mores is Yours” looks like.

oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast

If you don’t want to spend forever trying to think of a name, I think this name would work for every blend you create…

Here are screenshots of the oatmeal and pb lean blends I created:

oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast, peanut butter, peanut flour oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast, peanut butter, peanut flour oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast, peanut butter, peanut flour

I used monk fruit to sweeten all of my blends as everything else was some form of sugar. I really wish they would offer stevia as a sweetener as that is my favorite all natural zero calorie sweetener. Hopefully it will be offered in the future.

As a fan of overnight oatmeal, that’s how I prepared all of my blends. I used a mostly empty Greek yogurt container to let my oatmeal blends soak over night.

Cool tip:  the beneficial bacteria in yogurt work to breakdown the oats and makes for easier digestion. Try it, your insides will thank you. 🙂

overnight oatmeal

All of the flavor combos I created were tasty and definitely better than plain oats. My favorite was the cookie dough and vanilla ice cream blend; my least favorite was the chocolate brownie and mocha blend.

None of my blends were overly sweet, which I prefer, but the chocolate-mocha oatmeal left a slight chemically aftertaste. I had no problem finishing the bag as it was still good, but I’d probably opt not to pick that flavor combo again.

S’mores didn’t give that awesome fire-roasted marshmallow flavor I was hoping for, but it was darn close. I think it would be better as a PB Lean flavor, which I might do next time. Speaking of, here are my PB Lean blends:

oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast, peanut butter, peanut flour oatmeal, healthy, non-gmo, breakfast, peanut butter, peanut flour

Bar none, the peanut butter banana bread was absolutely amazing! I just added some water to make a low fat peanut butter like consistency to spread on my homemade NuttZo Banana Bread or  just eat with a spoon and instant smiles followed.

The salted caramel was pretty close to the actual thing and gave a pleasing taste that makes it a definite repeat flavor. Same for the snickerdoodle flavor; I love cinnamon, and the combo with peanut flour was tastebud bliss.

Overall, the experience with, from ordering to eating, has been a fun, healthy, and delicious one. If my daughter was older, letting her create her own custom blend would be a great experience she’d enjoy. If your kids are old enough, empowering them to make their own choices like this is a great way to get them eating healthy and having fun with food.

Actually, this would be a perfect gift idea for your kids or for any of their friends’ birthdays. How cool would it be to give a custom blend of awesomeness with their name or some other cool name on it? Maybe use it as an incentive to earn their creation by doing chores, making good grades, or just being a good kid. This is something all kids can totally get into and have just as much fun making as they do eating their very own oatmeal.

Trust me, you’ll have fun too. While the price may seem higher than the standard price at your local store, you’re getting high quality ingredients with an almost endless amount of delicious flavor options. Pretend you’re a kid picking out your favorite ice cream flavor on a hot summer day, only it’s healthy oatmeal with zero guilt!

To help in the price department, is giving all Going Dad readers 15% off their entire order. Just enter coupon code GoingDad15 when checking out and you’ll be on your way to saving on all of your healthy and tasty creations!


Click Here to Order Now!

Remember to use code GoingDad15 at checkout

Be sure to follow MyOatmeal on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for tasty recipes and current promotions. Plus, they’re all good people and deserve our love!

Disclaimer: I provided credit to create blends on and was not compensated any other way. All thoughts and opinions are strictly my own. So trust me when I say, you want this and must try ASAP!

The Body and Mind Synergy Home Workout Program

Of course, why wouldn’t you want a workout program you can do at home? Most of us are too busy to drive a gym, and we not everyone can afford or fit a lot of equipment in their home.

While I do have the luxury of quality weights in our garage, I can’t always drag my poor daughter out there with me. Luckily I just signed up for a home-based workout program that requires no equipment but will still challenge anyone from beginner to advanced.

Body and Mind Synergy_Home Workout Program; fitness, exercise

The program is called Body and Mind Synergy, and it has everything you need to get started. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, get stronger, or simply maintain your current fitness level, Body and Mind Synergy will help you with your goals. Here’s a quick overview about the program..

A Unique Approach To Health And Fitness – How To Stay Fit With Kids, Long Hours & Travel.

The most comprehensive mental and physical coaching program, online.
Test the system first with a no-risk 7-Day Free trial.

SAVE TIME: Short workouts, with no equipment, done anywhere.
FOOD MADE EASY: Fast, tasty, healthy meal preparation for non-chefs made in minutes, not hours.
$397 FREE BONUS: “Between The Ears” is the do-it-yourself mental coaching program that shows you how to do it when you just don’t feel like it. Make healthy living an automatic choice.
STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM: Video instructions, workout calendars, done-for-you meal plans.
WORKOUT LIBRARY: Huge library of exercises and workouts that you can do anywhere, and anytime. From beginner to advanced.
UNIQUE APPROACH: Work with your mind and your body to whip yourself into shape to create a lasting change.
7 Day Free Trial: This offer is for a limited period and only offered by recommendation. Take your free trial today.

Since I’m just starting myself, I can’t give you my personal experience yet, but I’m hoping you’ll join me so we can track our progress together. I’ll post updates about likes and dislikes from the program, and I’d love to see your feedback/questions in the comments section.

Antony is the man behind the program and will guide us through the workouts and answer any questions we have along our journey.

Antony_Body and Mind Program Creator

I’m not a fitness newbie and never thought I’d want to join some program, but when the Body and Mind website specifically listed these details as the most important thing, I was on board.

This is the most important page on the site. It is a reference for everything else.

Question:  What are the 3 biggest obstacles to getting fit and staying healthy?

Answer: 1. Lack of time. 2. Lack of  motivation. 3. Lack of structure.

This program has 3 phases to tackle these obstacles.

  1. Between The Ears will show you how to create rock-solid mental strength to demolish motivational issues.
  2. Food Matters makes structuring your meals, simple, easy, quick and tasty.
  3. Getting Sweaty structures short, intensive powerful workouts that can be done anywhere, with no equipment.

Complete all 3 phases to succeed. Download the materials, track your progress, and tick boxes.

Transform your body and make it a lasting change. Enjoy the journey.

Ever find yourself making one or all of the 3 excuses? I have, but it doesn’t  have to should never be that way. If you’re interested, and I hope you are, check out the site and sign up for the 7 day free trial with no strings attached.

To see if you’ll like the workouts, Antony has several to sample workouts to try out right now. Head on over and see how well you can do as a Newbie, Intermediate, or Advanced trainee. All workouts last just 30 minutes, require no equipment, and can be done in any small space. Perfect for those who spend a lot of time in hotels or when the kids take over the house leaving you stuck with choosing to hide in the confines of your bathroom or behind the couch.

If you’re confused about a certain exercise, no problem, Antony has detailed video demos of each movement to make sure you will go into each workout with confidence. You’ll also have several resources you can download to track your food, workouts, and progress. This truly looks like a complete system that’s easy to follow and stick with, which means your results will be easier to maintain as you shift to a healthier mindset and overall lifestyle.

That’s it for now, hope you find this program useful. I feel it will benefit all of the busy parents out there and maybe you’ll kids will even see you and want to join in. Maybe? 😉

Keep an eye out for a future post on my progress along with pros and cons I’ve noticed after starting.