Has your kid ever randomly laughed at the most unexpected thing? When she was just a squishy baby, Avery sat next to me in her Mamas & Papas Baby Snug chair as I was cutting bread when she started giggling out loud.
Like any new parent would do, I grabbed the video camera that’s always nearby and luckily got her to do it again. As proof, I uploaded it to YouTube for all to see.
I later tried to replicate the laugh again and got nothing, just a blank stare. Babies truly are the 8th wonder of the world.
With funny babies on the mind, I searched for laughing babies on Pinterest. What I found wasn’t exactly laughing babies, but multiple baby memes that gave me a good laugh.
There are many with the same picture but different captions which I tried to stay away from. Some captions are just vulgar and not funny to me, so I hope you enjoy these.
1. Going Mom and I are both advocates of breast milk and frown on formula if it can be avoided, so I got a kick out this.
2. This is one of the reoccurring baby pictures, but I love the caption. I already know I’ll be doing the airplane with a spoon for Avery.
3. I bet this thought really goes through their head at some point.
4. Kind of sad, and I apologize if anyone is offended, but this makes me laugh.
5. I bet this happens to a lot of babies quite often.
6. I believe some cats can be evil, this cat being one of them.
7. This could be really bad if it’s another boy in the doggie door….
8. Yes, another one you might see a lot of, but the captions crack me up!
9. One way to deal with the evil cat problem….
10. This is a legitimate concern. Same for baby powder!
Hope you enjoyed these baby memes. If you have any favorites, please share as I’d love to see more!
When it comes to popular comics, how many female superheros can you think of? I tried and thought of 2; Supergirl and Wonder Woman. Thanks to being introduced to the DC Super Hero Girls, I now know there many more, and they are full of action-packed girl power.
As a father to a beautiful little girl, I her to grow up seeing powerful women in leadership roles. Of course she sees plenty of this with Going Mom (sometimes I have to run and hide……kidding!), but having something to watch like the DC Super Hero Girls on YouTube opens her up to a diverse group of a dynamic group of women with unique abilities and friendships.
From strong and fearless to quirky and fun, each DC Super Hero Girl exudes a quality characteristic for everyone to relate to. While I’m a fan of many comic superheroes, both guy and girl, I’ve never seen a group like the DC Super Hero Girls before. Check them out and watch with your kids to see who they like and relate to best.
And now, this powerful group of super hero girls wants to offer you a $100 Visa Gift Card! That’s pretty Super, huh? Just enter below for your chance to win.
How much do you depend on gas? Not too long ago, it was used mostly for various modes of transportation; planes, trains, and automobiles. Our grandparents’ generation didn’t have gas-powered blades to cut their lawn, nope; they used manual push mowers!
Hmmm, and come to think of it, people weren’t as concerned about obesity back then…..interesting. Well, push mowers haven’t left, they only improved, and I think I’ve had the pleasure of using the best.
I loathe using gas power to do something as simple as cutting grass. So, when I saw the Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel Mower, I knew I had to have it to prepare for the weekly battle against growing grass. No, hippie, not that kind!
No thanks!
I mentioned in a previous post how excited I was when I wrote Fiskars asking if they’d send one for my review and they graciously agreed!
Setup was fast and easy; even Avery enjoyed helping me get it together!
I think Onya’s carrier and Fiskars’ reel mower is a perfect combo for the active parent; even the color schemes match! Even after a mowing when it just rained, I can happily say I enjoy reel mowing! I wore Avery every time and she even fell asleep within a few minutes. So now I’m saving gas, exercising, mowing the lawn, and getting Avery to take a nap; perfect!
Here’s a quick video of the Fiskars in action with me wearing Avery:
It helps that, unlike other reel mowers, Fiskars StaySharp Max uses super durable steel blades that cut grass without touching each other. This makes the mower very quiet (even enough for naptime) and means no annual sharpening of the blades like many reel mowers.
If you’re concerned about it being too difficult to push, Fiskars has you covered. Along with the blades not touching, they have the only reel mower with adjustable blade height to change depending on how tall your grass is.
Here are the key features that Fiskars provides on their website:
The smart design of our eco-friendly reel mower offers a cleaner cut without the hassles of gasoline, oil, battery charging, electrical cords or loud engine noise
Received Popular Mechanics 2010 Green Design Award and recommended by Consumer Reports over other reel mowers among other accolades
A combination of advanced technologies make the StaySharp™ Max Reel Mower 60% easier to push than other reel mowers
Patent-pending InertiaDrive™ Reel delivers twice the cutting power to blast through twigs, weeds and tough spots that would jam other reel mowers
Exclusive StaySharp™ Cutting System uses precision-ground, hardened steel blades to cut grass without touching, greatly reducing friction and blade wear for long-lasting performance without costly annual blade sharpening
Patent-pending VersaCut™ Technology offers cut height settings from 1″–4″ to provide best-in-class cutting, even when you’ve missed a week of mowing, plus one-touch height adjustment for comfortable use
Inset wheel design allows the blades to extend across the full width of the mower to eliminate uncut strips under the wheels and edge closer to foundations, fences and borders than other reel mowers
Unique grass discharge chute throws clippings forward cleanly, away from your feet
Cuts all grass types, even tough southern varieties like St. Augustine, Zoysia, Bahia and Bermuda
18″ cut width
Limited three-year warranty
With the 18 inch cutting width (very good for a reel mower!), I am able to mow our front and back yard in 30 to 40 minutes as long there are no obstructions. Yes, this is while wearing my baby, so it could be even faster. But I don’t mind, just a longer nap and more exercise, right?
Compared to a gas mower, the reel mower doesn’t cut the grass as cleanly, but it’s not far behind. Our lawn still looks good when I’m done and I happy with its performance.
I used to hate having a gas mower and fighting to get it started for the first time before every mow, and the maintenance can be time consuming and costly. Plus, the noise, ugh, I despised walking behind the gas-guzzler as it droned everything out around me.
Now, I can actually talk to Going Mom while mowing and really enjoy it more than I ever thought I would. But, everything has a negative side…..
The inset wheel design does allow for greater overall cutting width and to get close to edges on borders and fences, but if the surface is sloped near these edges, it can be frustrating. When trying to mow along our slightly sloped fence line, the mower keeps gravitating into the fence and I have to readjust. This occurs with gas mowers too, but since they are heavier, it’s not as often.
The mower spits grass out of the front and away from you, but with any wind around, that grass might end up in your face. It’s not always, but something that can be annoying, especially when wearing your baby! Of course, Fiskars offers a Grass Catcher which solves this problem. I haven’t tried it, but might get one soon.
It just won’t cut some patches of grass. I will go over and over the patch, but it doesn’t seem to do the job. This is usually weeds and doesn’t happen often though.
Beware of mulch and other small, hard objects! Any mulch around our trees and garden that finds its way into the yard has the ability to stop the mower, and you, in its tracks. If you’re going fast enough, you might power through it, but just try and clean your yard from obstructions before starting.
Issues aside, I am happy with the Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel mower and would recommend one to anyone with a yard smaller than an acre. If that’s you, and you want a “greener” way to care for your lawn while getting a great workout too, then look no further than Fiskars. For just $199 and free shipping on Amazon, it’s cheaper than most gas mowers and you’ll never have to fill it up or add oil….EVER!
Yard complete and Avery asleep.
I know I’ll be getting some good use with our Fiskars Reel Mower and look out for post in the near future on how to create a high intensity workout while mowing with Fiskars!
Do you or have you used a reel mower?
If so, what kind and how does it compare to the Fiskars StaySharp Max?
Disclosure: Fiskars sent me their StaySharp Max Reel Mower to review free of charge, but I was not compensated otherwise. All thoughts and opinions and strictly my own.
An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.