Last year, when I turned 31, I made a goal to complete 32 split squats per leg and push ups every day leading up to my 32nd birthday. So here we are and I am proud to say I’ve met my goal. With it being a leap year, I was ever so privileged to do the moves for 366 straight days instead of the 365. Hence 366 x 32 = 11,712.
The split squats and push ups were usually used as finishers after whatever workout I did for the day, and they proved to be great exercises. I chose 32 for the upcoming number of years I would turn. The year before that, I did 31 burpees.
If you need a goal to help you move more, just use your age as a marker to perform X amount of whatever you choose. Note, don’t choose burpees unless you’re 10. I’m pretty sure 31 burpees per day for 365 days had something to do with that stress fracture.
Am I going to do 33 of something now? Probably not. Instead, I’ll just make it a point to move as much as I can throughout the day. Maybe I’ll choose random exercises, but with my shoulder surgery coming up later this month and trying to mend my stress fracture that never fully healed, I’ll be happy to do whatever I can. I know my body could use some quality recovery time anyway. Then, after several months have passed of taking it easy, I’ll be reinvigorated to get back to the barbell to slowly get my strength back.
I’ll have to make the most of my arms before the surgery while we’re on vacation at the Outer Banks. From what I’ve heard by other parents, all of the attractions and other expensive things are not as big of a deal to toddlers. Instead, they enjoy the simple things like playing in the sand and watching the waves. I’m clinging on this notion and hope to build lots of sand castles, hunt for seashells, swim in the ocean, and eat fresh seafood. Any tips/advice/stories? I’m all ears.

Speaking of puns, I’m treating myself and anyone else who enjoys a good (or bad) pun to a few today. Guess I’ll start by giving myself a card.
- What did the boy with no hands get for his birthday? Gloves. Okay, not really, I’m not sure what he got, he hasn’t opened anything yet.
- Statistics show that birthdays are good for your health. The more you have, the longer you live.
- Buying a gift for a sculptor is hard and requires all of his friends to chip in.
- My wife gave me a book of puns for my birthday and it is awesome! It was two meaningful.
- I just want a nice fork for my birthday because there is no tine like the present.
- My friend tried wrapping all the birthday presents for me, but he didn’t have the gift.
That’ll about do it for today. I need to start figuring out what to pack for the trip and go on another construction site adventure with Avery. I might be another year older, but as long as I can laugh at the joke below, I think I’ll be okay.
If you need any pointers while in OBX do not hesitate to ask. I’m the self appointed “Midwest” expert of the Outer Banks!
Oh yeah, I forgot Happy Birthday!!
I just want to play in the sand and ocean mostly. Any tips on fishing or adventures around there? Maybe hiking? Thanks for the b-day wish!
You will be on the north end of the island away from the hustle and bustle near the wild horses. You can hike the dunes in that area maybe come across a wild horse. The road literally ends at the beach. If you have 4WD you can drive up the beach to the “hidden” city. No tips on fishing unless you want to come off the wallet for a chartered trip. The fishing charters are a good 45 minutes to an hour away your neck of the island.
This comment went to spam, so I’m just now reading it. I’m back home now, but no worries, we had plenty of fun without fishing. My brother and cousin fished every day with hardly any luck, so playing in the sand and water was a better choice!
Happy birthday Liley. Best of luck.
Thank you, Fiona