Summer is filled with fun, relaxation, and the joy of not having a rigorous school schedule to keep up with. But summer can also mean later nights, meals from the baseball field concession stand that aren’t exactly the healthiest choices, and other poor health habits that can impact both physical and emotional well-being over time. Here are a few healthy summer habits to instill in your kids that will cultivate healthier habits for life.
Always Wear Sunscreen
If your child loves to spend the whole day outside in the sun, wearing sunscreen is a habit you’ve probably already developed. But even if your kids tend to spend more time indoors on their smartphones or video games, teaching them about the risks of sun damage is a valuable nugget that will help them stay healthy and well throughout their lives. The sun can cause damage even on cloudy days, so daily sunscreen application is key for all children and adults.
Check for Ticks
Ticks carry Lyme disease, and in some parts of the U.S., tick populations are growing. It’s not always possible to avoid areas where ticks are common, but you can wear insect repellent and protective clothing (with long sleeves and long pants) when you know you’ll be in an area well-populated with ticks. You should also carefully check your child’s entire body for ticks after spending time in such areas. Remove ticks properly and know when it’s necessary to seek medical attention for a tick bite.
Get Adequate Sleep
One especially useful habit to foster in your kids is getting ample rest every night. Sleep is the time your body uses to rest and rejuvenate, yet, especially during the summer, many children and young adults happily sacrifice sleep to participate in fun, late-night activities, whether they’re simply watching TV past their bedtimes or hanging out with friends. Teaching your kids now that the time they spend awake is more productive and enjoyable when they’re well-rested will prepare them to make better choices about sleep as they get older.
Stay Hydrated
When kids are having fun outdoors, it’s easy to forget about drinking water to stay hydrated. Most kids won’t think about drinking unless their bodies are telling them they’re thirsty, but they may ignore such cues if they’re having too much fun. Have your kids carry a water bottle, and encourage them to drink pure, cold water rather than sugary sports drinks. If they do have a sweet tooth, adding a splash of citrus fruit or berries can enhance the flavor of plain water, making it more appealing to some kids. Make sure they know that it’s necessary to drink more water than usual on especially hot days or when they’re engaging in rigorous physical activity.
Stay Safe Around Fire and Fireworks
Camping, Fourth of July celebrations, and other activities bring with them camp fires and fireworks displays. Kids who understand fire safety and know how to stay safe around fireworks are less likely to suffer burns or injuries. Teach your kids about the dangers of fire and fireworks, how to use child-appropriate fireworks such as sparklers safely, and safe habits to practice around fires.
Teaching your children how to stay safe in the many different circumstances they’ll encounter throughout life is no simple process. As a parent, you want to protect your child from every possible danger. While you can’t be there to keep them safe every moment, you can begin to teach them safe and healthy habits that will help them lead a long and happy life.
Sean Morris became a stay-at-home dad after the birth of his son. Though he loved his career in social work, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get to spend more time with his kids. He enjoys sharing his experiences via and hopes writing for the site will help him provide other parents with tips and advice on juggling life, career, and family.
Image via Pixabay by milli_lu
Meeting other health-minded dads like Sean is always a pleasure , and hopefully he’ll share more of his tips/advice on healthy living in the future. Thank you Sean, for taking the time to create this list of handy healthy summer habits for kids!
“Get Adequate Sleep” not on my kids’ list this summer. They are making good use of all their time. That is very different for my teenager, its all about sleeping late.
Yeah, I remember being guilty of the sleep thing too. But man, how I love it so now!