The constant feeling of “needing” to post something, anything, just for that satisfying feeling of creating a new post became overbearing. It got to the point where I would let this control my overall mood on any given day. When blogging becomes more of a weight on my shoulders, holding me back from truly enjoying life, it’s just not worth it. In retrospect, it took me too long to realize this.
Luckily, I have two wonderful girls, my wife and daughter, who helped put things in perspective. I was so intent on writing about a few experiences that I missed A LOT of other ones. While I find writing as a great outlet, it’s evident blogging is not always the best outlet. Journaling has been a better, shorter alternative for me though, and I journal every day now.
Daily gratitude is another thing I’m trying to incorporate as well. Gratitude is a simple act we can all do an benefit from. First thing when you wake up each day, just think of a something you’re grateful for. So now, when I wake up, I immediately feel grateful for the fact that I woke up. I’m here, alive, with a wonderful family whom I love and they love me back. Boom……gratitude.
Basically, I’m at a point where I feel too many things are going on and trying to squeeze them all in creates too much stress in my over-analyzing brain. The time freed up from not blogging has been nice, and therefore, I want to extend it indefinitely (i.e. take a blogging sabbatical).
As a I write this, the sweet little girl I’m a stay-at-home dad to, Avery, turns three years old in just a few more days. On November 15, to be exact.

I started this blog to capture our journey together, but found I was drifting farther and farther away from genuine content. Some was downright irrelevant to being a parent. I still stand by my pun posts though as puns are obviously part of being a dad.
While I hope to become certified to actually work with kids and adults in some way to help them create a happier, healthier life, blogging about it is no longer a huge a priority. Ensuring the happiness and health of my family and myself is of the highest priority, so everything else is going on the backburner.
I still keep rather active on social media, but, as if you haven’t got the drift by now, I’m done with blogging for an unspecified amount of time. I will always have a place in my heart for the blogging world, and will continue to support the bloggers I follow like my friend Gary from Skipah’s Realm. He puts out entertaining content about his life as a divorced father who has a beautiful daughter and a wonderful, supportive girlfriend.
I’ve already gone on longer than I planned, and I’m positive my message is clear; less blogging/stress, more living/happiness. Avery, happy birthday in a few days, I love you! Kelley, my beautiful wife, I love you too, thanks for all of your love and support. Our family is one awesome team (a silly family team as Avery calls us), and I don’t want to look back with regret on things I’ve missed. Now I’m off to spend genuine time with this girl who’s growing up too fast.