Not long after I announced we were getting a WOOM 2 Pedal Bike to transition from the WOOM 1 Balance Bike, the much anticipated two-wheeler arrived. Avery diligently “helped” Daddy open the box and get her Big Rocket ready to ride. Luckily, WOOM makes setup easy so your kiddo can hop on and ride pose for a cute pic.
For those wondering, yes, she quickly accrued 10 miles on the WOOM 1 to earn her new bike. Actually, it took less than a week to get there. Okay, okay, I admit that’s not much of a goal to earn a nice new bike like the WOOM 2, but hey, I wanted to see our girl pedaling for the first time! I imagined her hopping on and pedaling on the first try while she cried out in joy as she took off.
So much for my imagination.
After a few more attempts, it was clearly not happening on the first day. Knowing not to push her too hard which will easily ruin a kids’ experience, we called it quits for the day. Before getting on the bike that day, her enthusiasm for her new pedal bike was through the roof, but afterward, she was telling me she was all done with it and i could give it back. Ummm, sorry, dear, that’s not quite how it works.
The next day, after an encouraging talk and promises from daddy that I will be right there to hold on to her, she agreed to give it another go. Little did she know, I was going to suddenly let go as she was moving along. I wasn’t sure how it would turn, but it sounded like a good idea to this wise dad. But was it?
YES! On the second day of riding, unsure if my “just let go” plan would prove successful, Going Mom and I had a pedaling toddler on our hands! You could see and hear the confidence radiating from our little girl.
It’s always bittersweet watching your little one learn and grow, but this definitely goes down in the super proud dad history book. Avery has been riding great all by herself since that day and can even hang with the older bike riding boys in the neighborhood. When asked if they want to ride, I’d say their actions are all that’s needed.
She kept up well on her WOOM 1 Balance Bike, but now she can really hang with the more experienced friends. She’s also learning how to share her pride and joy, “Big Rocket” (the balance bike is now “Little Rocket”, obviously), with her friends.
The WOOM 2 is parent, Avery, and friend approved!
We’ve been watching her ride for a couple weeks now and while she’s getting better, there are still areas that need work. Thanks to the freewheeling kit offered by WOOM, she’s quickly learned to use her hand brakes, but every now and then she’ll shoot her legs out to stop with her feet as if on a balance bike. Another issue is getting her kickstand up/down.
It’s a daily struggle, but I refuse to help in hopes that she’ll eventually catch on. I know she will, but until then, it’s painful to watch. As frustrating as it is, she surprisingly accepts that she should do it on her own, and knows a nice bike deserves to be properly…errr, propped and not just laid on its side. Always respect your belongings, another great lesson.
Riding straight and not wobbling all over the sidewalk is another big area to work on. We have to remind her to look where she’s going and not get distracted, but any parent that has or had toddlers knows how that goes.
I’ll share more as her transition continues, hopefully with a better braker that can ride in a straight line! No matter what, everyone is in awe that she picked up riding her pedal bike so quickly and never needing training wheels. We tell her how proud we are each and every day.
Any tips on continued training on a pedal bike?
Care to share any stories of your own?
This makes me smile ear to ear 🙂