If you’ve been following me for a while, like before I’ve been mostly absent the past few months, you might know how difficult it was the first time around. This time, as we were preparing to go through the long process with the same clinic, I came home to see my wife hardly able to contain her excitement from several positive pregnancy test results.
It’s so hard to believe everything happened naturally, but we are ever so grateful to know we are having a boy, a freakin’ boy, and totally skipped the big needles, stress, and waiting for what feels like forever to know anything. Seeing my beautiful wife with her growing baby belly fills me with happiness every day.
Okay, that might be a lie…..we’re past the first trimester now, but damn, it makes the typical fraternity hell week look like a cake walk. Ladies, please don’t come knocking on my door with pitchforks and torches, I’m not trying to have a pity party for myself. I say that it was miserable for all of us.
I felt bad for my wife while simultaneously fearing for my life too. Thankfully a little prenatal yoga along with Avery’s support helped out.
Now we’re through the worse part (right?) and things are stabilizing for the time being. Avery mostly understands that there’s a growing baby in mommy’s belly and that she’s going to have a little brother, but there’s still some things she has yet to figure out. One thing being how to name a boy!
We are undecided at this point, but Avery insists on the name Crake. Now she has an imagination on par with the kids in Neverland on Hook. Give her an empty plate for dinner and she’d have an epic food fight just like in the movie. But, no, we will not name our boy Crake. Right now, the two names sticking out are Jaxon and Weston. I’m leaning more on Weston, or Wes, and Kelley likes Jaxon, or Jax. What do you think this guy looks like?
Any suggestions are welcome as we’re both waiting for the one name that just sticks out. Parents with 2+ kids, did you have a harder time naming your first kid or the ones after?
While I don’t plan on blogging that often, it’s a nice outlet at times, and I really wanted to share the awesome news. Spending more time with Avery and Kelley always takes priority though, and I feel less stressed when I’m not trying to write x amount of posts. Reducing stress is something I really need to……errrr, stress now that I’m another year older as of the 8th anyway.
So that’s all for now, I just want to leave you with the best birthday gift/stress reducer I could ask for.
FYI – her imagination is what spawned the creation of her empty toothbrush box with pink bubble wrap microphone. Love that girl!