Back pain can be one of the most difficult types of pain to deal with on a day to day basis because we become tense and struggle to complete even normal daily tasks. If you have persistent back in which seems to plague you from day to day, there are plenty of things you can do to relieve it and allow yourself to stay healthy.
Chill it
The easiest thing you can do when you sustain an injury on your back is to put ice on it. In the first few days after a back injury, you need to think about touting some ice on the affected area for a while. Although you may think that heat is better for your back, it can actually make the area more inflamed in the first few days. Place ice on the area for about 20 minutes at a time to reduce inflammation and help you to heal the pain.
Get moving
Even though it might seem like the worst thing you can do when you have hurt your back, you need to keep it moving and stretch out your muscles as much as you can. In the first week after a back injury, you need to make sure that you try it move your muscles as much as you possibly can. Only do as much as is comfortable for you to avoid further injury, and this should help your back to heal quicker.
Keep your core strong
Your ab muscles are an important part of your overall health and fitness, and they play a vital role in the support of your back muscles during an injury. If you have hurt your back in any way, make sure that you still take the time to exercise your core with ab focused workouts. Some of the best exercises you do for your core without hurting your back are leg raises, flutter kicks and tabletop crunches. Keep your abs strong and your pain will be lessened.
Stay strong
Once your back pain starts to heal, you can prevent any injuries happening in the future by working on your back muscles and performing chest and back based exercises. Ideally, you will want to buy some 2 pound weights and use these to tone your shoulders and back and keep the muscles strong and resilient for the future.
You can visit a Chirocare and Rehab center to help you stretch out any issues with your back, and once you have done this you can continue to stretch and strengthen your back to keep it healthy for the future. There are many ways you can stretch out your back to keep it healthier, and you can practice yoga for a couple of times a week for a stronger body overall. There are some yoga moves in particular which are great for your back such as downward dog, cobra, and warrior I.
Make your workspace comfortable
If you think that the cause of your back pain might be your workspace, you need to make some changes to ensure that it is completely comfortable. For example, one of the main things you can do is adjust the height of your computer monitor and ensure that you have a comfortable and supportive chair to work at. Keep a cushion with you just in case you ever need some extra back support. It is a good idea to make sure you have enough leg room underneath your desk too, to keep stress off your legs and lower back muscles.
Improve your posture
If you constantly slouch at your seat and slump when you stand, it can out a lot of unneeded pressure on your spine and it will often cause you to struggle with your back. To help with your posture you can practice standing tall when you walk and make sure to always sit upright when working. You can also practice a yoga pose called standing forward forward with interlaced hands which is incredibly good for your posture and can make you look taller. Slumping makes it harder for your back to support your weight. Be especially careful of your posture when lifting heavy objects. Never bend over from the waist. Instead, bend and straighten from the knees.
Wear better shoes
Sometimes the issue you face with your back can be down to the shoes you wear. If you often wear heels to work or out and about, try trading them in for shorter heels or flat shoes for a more comfortable walk. It will make a big difference to your back and allow you to walk around in comfort all day long.
Stop smoking
Smoking might seem like a completely unrelated issue when talking about back pain, but it can be a big contributing factor to your back and its strength. Smoking increases the risk of your getting osteoporosis which can lead to serious spinal and bone issues. If you can quit smoking you cut the risk of osteoporosis down by a huge amount.
Watch your weight
If you think about it, this next tip is just common sense. The more you weigh, the more weight you are putting onto your back. When you have fat building up around your body you are losing muscle strength, and this can lead to you being at a higher risk of back pain and issues later in life. If you can eat a balanced, healthy diet and exercise regularly it will make a difference in your life and allow you to be much healthier overall.
Buy pain reliever
Sometimes the easiest way you can deal with persistent back pain is by buying some over-the-counter medicines to relieve your pain. There are plenty of different medicines you can use for your back pain such as Advil, Aleve, Panadol and even Paracetamol. If you want a quick fix for your pain this is the most simple thing you can do. Take a trip to the chemist and ask for the best solution to your back pain if you aren’t sure what to choose.