For anyone that is unable to conceive naturally, it can be utterly heart-breaking. However, rather than focusing on what you can’t do, you need to focus on what you can do. Luckily, there are many different options available for couples that cannot get pregnant. This does not mean that your dream of having a family is over. With that being said, let’s take a look at the various options in further detail.
There are a lot of people around the world that decide to become a surrogate so that they can give other families the gift of a child. This is essentially when a woman carries a child for another person. In a lot of cases, the eggs of the surrogate will be fertilized with the sperm of the male.
Donor insemination
A donor could be used if the man has issues with his sperm. Single women and lesbian couples who wish to start a family also often go for this option. In most cases, people will utilize a sperm bank, which means the donor’s identity is unknown. However, if the child wishes to contact their biological father once he or she is an adult, they do have an option to do so.
IVF / In Vitro Fertilisation
IVF is one of the most well known options for couples that cannot conceive naturally. During this procedure, an egg will be taken from the female’s ovaries. It will then be fertilised with sperm in a laboratory. The embryo will then be put inside the female’s womb so that the baby starts to develop.
IUI / Intrauterine insemination
IUI tends to be used if there is no known reason why the couple can’t conceive or if the male has poor sperm quality. During IUI, a sample of the man’s sperm will be filtered so that only the highest quality sperm remains. This is then placed inside the woman’s uterus using a catheter. Success rates vary depending on age.
Medical and surgical treatments
There are a number of different medical and surgical treatments available, which are beneficial if there is a clear reason why a woman can’t conceive naturally. These treatments are designed to stimulate regular ovulation so that the woman can fall pregnant. An example of this is endometriosis.
As you can see, there are a number of different options for you if you are unable to conceive naturally. Of course, this is something that needs careful consideration, and you need to weigh up the pros and the cons of each option that is available to you. But it is good to start looking into each approach so you can discover more about it and find out what solution is the right one for you and your partner.